Journal of Cosmology, 2010, Vol 5, 828-832. Cosmology, November 9, 2009 Mark J. Burchell, Ph.D. Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, Ingram Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NH, United Kingdom. The idea that life can migrate naturally through space (Panspermia) is one of long standing. But many scientists simply refuse to even consider it. It is instructive therefore to ask why this is. Instead, many prefer to either believe that life originated solely here on Earth, or that the spontaneous origin of life is relatively easy so that it may start anywhere. Here the philosophical basis for believing (or not) in Panspermia is discussed vs. the counter arguments about the ease (or otherwise) of spontaneous generation of life. Traditionally there was only one relevant observation, namely life exists on Earth. Now however there are a variety of experimental results and observations relevant to the possibility that life may survive a transfer through space, but of course there is no example of it happening. It may simply be that some scientists are more comfortable with the one concrete observation (life on Earth - even though its origin is not understood), rather than with considering theoretical possibilities such as Panspermia. Nevertheless, given our lack of understanding of the origin of life it can reasonably be argued that this is a preference rather than anything more fundamental. Key Words: Origin, life, Panspermia, abiogenesis, probability.
The idea that life can naturally migrate through space (Panspermia), annoys many
people. The idea itself is an old one. In several European nations during the 19th
century, leading scientists suggested that life may not have originated on the Earth.
The logic they used had several key strands. It had long been "known" that life wasn’t
spontaneously generated (e.g. the experiments of Spallanzani and Pasteur). Evolution
was increasingly accepted, but the age of the Earth was still subject to debate, and
some believed it was not old enough to have permitted the degree of evolution
required to go from first generation of life to the profusion of life today. Others
simply accepted the Copernican view that the Earth was neither unique, nor central to
the Universe: Therefore to presuppose that life started here was just wrong.
By the early 20th century these ideas found an advocate in Svante Arrhenius,
who discussed the idea that life could migrate through space and proposed that seeds
came to the Earth from space (Arrhenius, 1908, or see Arrhenius, 2009). Throughout
the 20th century the debate concerning Panspermia waxed and waned. The problems
presented by the deleterious effects of radiation in space on living organisms were
more fully understood. This was bad for Panspermia. But Martian meteorites were
identified on Earth (Bogard and Johnson, 1983) and modelling showed that materials
could move from planet to planet (e.g. Gladman et al., 1996 and Gladman, 1997).
Melosh (1988) made the conceptual leap and argued that this was a means for what he
termed "rocky" or "litho-" Panspermia, i.e. life may move from planet to planet. To
support this, Mileikowsky et al. (2000a;b) considered the various stresses any microorganisms
might experience during such a transfer from Mars to Earth and concluded
that this was not necessarily a sterilising event.
Various groups have also now undertaken extensive experimental work with
relevance to Panspermia. Horneck et al. (2001a) (and similar work since) have shown
that microbes can survive (short) expose in space, in real experiments in space!
Survival under other stresses such as impact shock in the GPa range (Horneck et al.,
2001b, Burchell et al., 2004, Stöffler et al., 2007) and in high speed impacts (> 1 km
s-1) (Burchell et al., 2001, 2004) has also been demonstrated in the laboratory. That
microbes in targets can be cultured from ejecta after high speed impact events has also
been demonstrated (Burchell et al., 2003 and Fajardo-Cavazos et al., 2009).
Not all experiments are positive. Whilst rocks with microbial content have
survived launch and recovery on the exterior of sounding rockets (Fajardo-Cavazos et
al., 2005), experiments with sandstones placed in the heat shield of capsules returned
from orbit suggest more significant heat processing which may be more hazardous to
life (Parnell et al., 2008).
Nevertheless, slowly, step by step, results and measurements are being
obtained which show that passage of life through space by natural means is not
necessarily implausible. It is therefore no surprise that the idea of Panspermia keeps
cropping up (see Burchell, 2004; Davies, 1988; Parsons, 1996).
By contrast, what can we say about the origin of life from non-life
(abiogenesis)? This is what is required for a local origin of life. We have never
observed it. Further we do not even understand what life is, as is illustrated by the
difficulty of producing a definition of life (see Cleland and Chyba, 2002 for a
discussion of this philosophical point). Those who favour abiogenesis argue that it
obviously happened and is not as difficult as some make out (e.g. see Menor-Salván,
2009). Or they point out that even if life originated someplace else and came to the
Earth, abiogenesis must have occurred somewhere (e.g. Sidharth, 2009), in which
case why not here? By considering the molecular structure of life, some deductions
can be made, for example the jump from chemistry to life may not have occurred all
at once, but via an intermediate "RNA-world" (Orgel, 2004). But then how did the
RNA-world evolve? And which steps led to life as we know it? There is much we do
not understand.
The arguments in favour of abiogeneis are not yet conclusive and certainly not
at the level that would permit an estimate of its degree of difficulty. Hoyle and his
colleague Wickramasinghe argue that the degree of complexity involved in even the
most basic living organism is so great, that the chance of random combinations
producing it in random circumstances is vanishingly small (Hoyle and
Wickramasinghe, 1999a). Therefore having it occur once is hard enough. This led
them to consider Panspermia as a more likely source of the origin of life on Earth
(Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, 1999b, also see papers in Hoyle and Wickramasinghe,
However, few are convinced by the arguments suggested by Hoyle and
Wickramasinghe. Attaching a mathematical significance to an event (abiogensis) about
which we know so little is difficult. Some argue that chemistry constrains the form
that complex molecules can take (e.g. Menor-Salván, 2009), so the resulting
complexity, if it occurs, is already programmed to follow certain paths. Indeed, as
noted by many (see Sidharth, 2009 for a recent discussion) chemistry is universal and
thus complex organic molecules are widespread in space. However, this still ignores
the assembly of such molecules into life forms (see discussion above), and it is this
step that involves an enormous change in the degree of complexity.
It would seem sensible to try to understand why some view Panspermia in a positive,
or at least permissive, light whilst many others simply reject it. What seems to be
occurring is an almost sub-conscious choice. Few argue from statistical considerations
such as Hoyle and Wickramasinghe have done, and indeed some maintain that you cannot
apply such an analysis to abiogenesis until we understand it. Instead many form their
opinion based on an intuitive grasp of the issues. Sometimes they pick holes in
individual arguments for and against the issues, but the motivation for doing so often
seems determined by their prior belief. The author has never seen anyone in this
debate change their mind after a discussion.
We can consider two factors which are key to the issue: The ease of
Panspermia occurring and the ease of abiogenesis. Each of these can be considered on
a scale ranging from "so easy it happens all the time" to "impossible". The two scales
can then be plotted orthogonally to each other to form a scatter plot – this is shown in
Fig. 1. Depending what value you assign to each of the two factors, you will inhabit a
different region of Fig. 1. ![]() Figure 1. Scatter plot of degree of difficulty for Panspermia vs. degree of difficulty for abiogenesis.In addition, a meaning can be given to each part of Fig. 1; in the example shown here 5 broad regions are identified. At the extreme right is region 5, if abiogenesis is too hard, life will never emerge anywhere – we can discount this possibility. However, the other 4 regions are all apparently possible. To start to exclude some of the other 4 regions requires knowledge which sets bounds on the range of values on each axis. For the abiogenesis axis, rather than solve the problem of what abiogeneis is, this is often, in effect, taken as meaning looking for life elsewhere. If we find it, we can start to say how easily it is to create life from non-life. But this ignores the possibility of Panspermia; for example, if we find that life is widespread in our Solar System, how can we distinguish possibilities (1), (2) and (4) in Fig. 1? It may be that arguments and models can be made which rule out some types of Panspermia. Melosh (2003) for example, argues that whilst planetary ejecta may be leaving our Solar System (e.g. Martian ejecta whose heliocentric orbit is perturbed by passage close to Jupiter), the cross-section for it ever striking a planet in another Solar System is so vanishingly small that interstellar litho-Panspermia can be ruled out. But even then, advocates have proposed conceptual models that involve capture of such ejecta in comets and icy bodies around other stars, which then in turn liberate it during passage through the star forming region or the inner Solar System after planet formation (e.g., Napier, 2004, Wallis and Wickramasinghe, 2004). The debate continues. 3. CONCLUSIONS It is not possible to currently calculate either of the probabilities required for Fig. 1. Each reader will have to make their own choices. These choices can be guided by models, experiments or just intuition. Interesting, like the Drake equation (see Burchell, 2006 for a recent review) choosing values seems to be more intuitive than calculated, and hence we find quite distinct ranges of outcomes. Where you place yourself on Fig. 1 seems to reflect something about how we view the Universe.
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