Journal of Cosmology, 2009, Vol 2, pages 296-299. Cosmology, November 10, 2009 Large-Body Impacts and Global Mass Extinctions: How Compelling is the Causal Relationship? Jonathan T. Hagstrum, Ph.D., U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025 The consequences of large-body impacts on Earth are still being explored, and debate on
such a cause for the Younger Dryas (YD) megafaunal extinctions (Firestone, this issue)
has just begun. Diagnostic evidence from the YD extinction boundary makes involvement
of an extraterrestrial event apparently inescapable, although some details of Firestone’s
impact scenario might not be supported by future work. The causes of other
Phanerozoic global mass extinctions of both marine and terrestrial life are also controversial,
and their causes are briefly discussed in light of the possible central role of deep ocean
impacts; this impact type has been much more common on Earth than the more
familiar continental ones.
Firestone (2009) addresses a number of controversial points arising from his
proposal that the megafaunal extinctions of North America at the beginning of the
Younger Dryas (YD) cooling were the result of an extraterrestrial accretion event. He and
his coauthors (Firestone et al., 2007) have amassed an impressive array of diagnostic evidence
including hexagonal nanodiamonds (Kennett et al., 2009) that make involvement
of an extraterrestrial event apparently inescapable. The situation is reminiscent of that
following publication of the Alvarez hypothesis for the K-T extinction (Alvarez et al.,
1980): material with exotic compositions or characteristics has been discovered within a
thin, widespread boundary layer—here, at least, on a continental scale at the base of the
YD "black mat"—that represents an abrupt biological transition (Haynes, 2008); the layer
also includes soot indicative of massive forest fires; and no crater as yet has been discovered.
Debate on the YD impact hypothesis has just begun, and criticism that it does not
offer a complete explanation at this time is invalid. Some details of Firestone’s YD impact
scenario might prove insupportable, but the impact hypothesis certainly carries equal
weight to those causes previously suggested for the YD extinctions, including overhunting
by humans, climate change, or hyperdisease. One distinct advantage of the YD
impact hypothesis is that it will be more easily tested.
It has been almost the three decades since the Alvarez group proposed that the Cretaceous-
Tertiary (K-T) mass extinction was caused by a large-body impact (Alvarez et al.,
1980), and a significant amount of scientific effort continues to be expended in investigating
causes for the global mass extinctions that punctuate Phanerozoic time. Initially,
an obvious corollary to the Alvarez hypothesis was that all mass extinctions were caused
by the immense amount of energy released by large-body impacts. Presently, however,
K-T extinction at 65 Ma is the only major biologic transition generally considered to be
directly associated with a large impact event. Although indicators of impact cratering
have also been found at other extinction boundaries (Glikson, 2009), this evidence has
been deemed inconsequential in comparison to that globally associated with the Chicxulub
crater on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Moreover, the stronger correlation at
global extinction boundaries seems to be with flood basalt volcanism, including recent
evidence placing the second, main phase of Deccan volcanism within a narrow interval at
the K-T boundary (Chenet et al., 2007). In addition, the greatest Permian-Triassic (P-T)
extinction at 251 Ma is now linked primarily to eruption of the Siberian Traps (Svensen
et al., 2009). It would appear that the plausible relationship between large-body impacts
and global mass extinctions is less compelling than once thought. The record of impacts
on Earth, however, is still being deciphered.
It seems likely that the near-surface catastrophic release of energy associated with large
impacts would be especially effective in causing rapid devastation to the biosphere. If
these colossally energetic events are not generally associated with extinction boundaries,
then how else do they manifest themselves in the geologic record? Terrestrial examples
are limited: although almost 200 impact structures have been identified so far on Earth,
only a handful of strewn fields and distal ejecta layers are known. Perhaps due to our
greater familiarity with craters on the solid planets and Earth’s continents (none are
known from oceanic crust), our expectations of what distal ejecta layers should look like
in the stratigraphic record has been skewed. Thus one potentially important link between
impacts and extinctions has mostly been overlooked, and that is the effects of large impacts
into the deep oceans (Hagstrum, 2005). Actually, this is the most common type of
terrestrial impact as between two thirds to three quarters of all Phanerozoic impacts on
Earth have been oceanic. The Earth is a particularly complex system including an atmosphere
and hydrosphere, and recognizing how the vast quantities of impact energy are distributed
within this system is at the crux of the problem.
Impacts into the deep oceans differ substantially from those on continents, generating
megatsunamis that, as efficient transmitters of energy over great distances, can have
global effects. Numerical simulations have shown that a Chicxulub-scale impactor (10
km diameter; 30 km/sec speed) landing in a 5-km-deep ocean would initially generate
waves with amplitudes of ~4 km and minimum global run-up heights of 300 to 400 m
(Ahrens and O’Keefe, 1983). Past extinctions are mainly understood in terms of what
happened to life in the oceans, as the terrestrial fossil record is poorly preserved. Furthermore,
the highest concentrations of life within the oceans are along the continental
margins where devastation by megatsunamis would be greatest. Aside from mechanical
damage due to the waves themselves, perhaps even more detrimental effects would result
from the input of vast amounts of continental soil and sediment, adversely affecting stationary
and filter feeding organisms. Marine life would be even more vulnerable to
megatsunami with the continents in a supercontinental configuration, with one large
ocean and a single unobstructed coastline, which was the case during the P-T extinction.
Another significant difference between numerically simulated continental and oceanic
impacts of equivalent Chicxulub-scale projectiles is that most of the high-speed ejecta for
an oceanic impact, from the upper ~6 km of the target, would be water or water vapor
(Roddy et al., 1987). The distal ejecta layers from large oceanic impacts, therefore, would
most likely appear far less significant in the stratigraphic record, in terms of material
thickness, as compared to the K-T impact layer. The flow of shock and seismic energy
within the Earth might also be different beneath a continental versus an oceanic transient
crater. Shock wave attenuation is expected to be higher in continental crust due to its
greater heterogeneity and the presence of tectosilicates, whereas a K-T sized impactor
would penetrate well into the upper mantle (< 3 projectile diameters) during a deep ocean
impact, possibly transferring a significant fraction of the projectile’s energy deep into
Earth’s interior. Boslough et al. (1996) have modeled the axial focusing of seismic energy
by Earth from a Chicxulub-scale impact, and found that the distal energy is sharply
re-concentrated within the antipodal lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. Upward displacement
and through-going fracturing of the antipodal lithosphere could perhaps produce
the radial dike swarms and flood basalt volcanism associated with large igneous
provinces (LIPs) like the Deccan and Siberian Traps. In addition, it is generally assumed
that a Chicxulub-scale impact on oceanic crust would produce local volcanism infilling
the seafloor crater, and the apparent antipodal distribution of hotspots might be related to
this and the axial focusing mechanisms (Hagstrum, 2005). All of the hotspots antipodal to
those associated with younger LIPs on Earth are in the oceans; in addition, the antipodes
of only a few hotspots are located within continental crust, consistent with its possible
shielding effect on the formation of antipodal hotspot pairs.
Ocean reefs have been a common casualty of past mass extinctions, but the Late Cretaceous
rudistid reefs and other macrofauna (e.g. inoceramid clams) disappeared several
million years before the K-T boundary (Ward, 2000). This was also a time of abrupt
changes in sea level, ocean chemistry, and global clay-mineral deposition (Robert and
Chamley, 1990). What appears in the marine stratigraphic record to be a rapid fall and
rise in sea level at ~68 Ma could instead result from the brief introduction of energy to
the depositional environment by megatsunamis. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios indicate a sharp
increase in the deposition of continental 87Sr in the oceans at this time (Martin and
Mcdougall, 1991), which might be commensurate with the backwash removal of soils
and sediment from the inundated shores. Interestingly, this is also when Deccan volcanism
started in India (Chenet et al., 2007). Unfortunately, at ~68 Ma the oceanic crust antipodal
to the Réunion hotspot, in what is now the eastern Pacific Ocean, has been subducted
beneath western North America. The Guadalupe hotspot off Mexico (19°N,
249°E), however, could have been exactly antipodal to Réunion (21°S, 56°E) at that time
within a ~10 mm/yr hotspot drift limit (Hagstrum, 2005).
Having studied K-T stratigraphic sections around the Gulf of Mexico and drill cores from
the Chicxulub crater, Keller et al. (2009) have concluded that the Chicxulub impact predated
the Ir-rich boundary layer by ~300 kyr. I have also examined the NE Mexico K-T
sections and agree that the Chixulub impact appears to have occurred well below the
"tsunami" sandstone layers and the overlying Ir horizon, and that the layer of spherules at
the base of the sandstones is most likely reworked. Similar sandstone layers occur elsewhere in the section of mostly marls, and are more readily explained as storm surge deposits.
The smaller Ukrainian Boltysh impact structure (25 km diameter) has also been
dated to ~65 Ma indicating multiple impacts near the K-T boundary. The P-T extinction
was also a multiple extinction event, with the end-Guadalupe mass extinction occurring
~5 Myr before the main P-T event. Multiple large impacts over relatively short periods of
time might have been related to comet showers into the inner solar system (Hut et al.,
Presently, neither a large-body continental impact nor subaerial flood basalt volcanism
has convincingly explained the full extent of global extinctions both on land and in the
oceans. Perhaps the two events are antipodally related through the more common, but as
yet unrecognized, large oceanic impacts. Large-body impacts have certainly occurred
throughout geologic time, and even relatively small and more frequent objects like that
related to the 1908 Tunguska airburst have locally had devastating effects. LIPs are often
associated with continental rifting, and thus the origin of hotspots, their antipodal distribution,
and the breakup of supercontinents remain open questions. We are in the midst of
a revolution in the Earth sciences in which the far-reaching effects of catastrophic impact
events are being recognized in both the biologic and geologic records; for most of modern
geology’s history, until as late as the 1960s, they were not. The Alvarez paper in 1980
catalyzed this revolution, and those of Firestone and his colleagues are recent contributions,
which, along with future work, will continue to advance our understanding of
large-body impacts on Earth.
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Columbia University Press, New York, 315 pp.
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