Journal of Cosmology, 2009, Vol 2, pages 334-343. Cosmology, October 27, 2009 Preventing the Next Mass Extinction: Ethical Obligations Bruce Tonn, Ph.D. Department of Political Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996, USA This paper presents a framework to judge whether we are meeting our ethical responsibilities for
preventing massive species extinction. The framework is a generalization from another
framework, one that addresses ethical responsibilities related to preventing pre-mature,
involuntary human deaths from environmental risks and the extinction of the human race. The
resulting ethical risk standards are quite stringent and it is argued that we are nowhere close to
meeting any standards, except in the cases of human extinction and extinction of all life on earth,
which are met by chance, not by design. Much work is needed to build the ‘technology’ needed
to estimate probabilities associated with massive losses of human life and species extinction over
the suggested 1000 year planning horizon.
Keywords: obligations to future generations, massive species extinction, human extinction,
ethical frameworks, possible worlds analysis
1. Introduction
The Earth has experienced five massive species extinction events and numerous smaller extinction episodes (Raup 1992; Raup and Sepkoski 1982). The worst occurred
about 245 million years ago at the end of the Permian and is estimated to have resulted in the
extinction of 96% of the species then extant (Benton and Twitchett 2003; Kidder and Worsley 2004). The most recent event occurred approximately 65
million years ago and resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs (Alvarez et al. 1980).
Climate change, resulting from
the impact of large asteroids and the eruption of massive volcanoes for example, has been
identified as one of the main drivers behind these events (Alvarez 2008; Ward 2004). Species die off because they are
unable to adapt to or escape from the deadly alterations to their habitats or in the overall conditions of this planet following catastrophic events. These subsequent extinction-drivers include disease, changes in sea level, global warming and cooling, glaciation, global anoxia, and increased levels of solar radiation (Elewa and Joseph 2009).
Many believe that the Earth is headed for a sixth massive extinction event driven by the
cumulative impacts of human behavior (Jones 2009; Leakey and Lewin 1995; Leslie 1996; McKee 2009; Steffen et al. 2007; Ruddimann 2005). Climate change,
caused by anthropogenic releases of carbon into the atmosphere (IPCC, 2007), is once again a
major extinction risk. But unlike past massive extinction events, there are a host of other serious
drivers in play at this time in the earth’s history and all of these are also tied to human behavior (Jones 2009; McKee 2009; Ruddimann 2005).
Humans have already hunted many species to extinction (Diamond 1999) and many other plants
and animals used for food and medicine are at risk to become extinct due to over-exploitation.
Pollutants such as PCBs and acid precipitation threaten animal reproductive systems and the
health of plant species, respectively. Human appropriation of land for agriculture and settlements
may actually be the largest threat to biodiversity on the planet (Vitousek et al. 1997; Ruddimann 2005). Many
ecosystems have been wiped out completely, along with their indigenous species. Fragmentation
of land creates shrinking island biogeographies that threaten species that larger ranges and/or
protection from eco-system edges (Quammen 1997). The combined impacts of climate change,
over-exploitation, pollution, and land use change, it can be argues, has already resulted in a
worldwide species extinction much higher than the natural rate (Levin 2002; Ruddimann 2005).
Similar to climate change, concerns over species extinction are growing. However, the amount of effort being devoted to confronting this problem, be it climate change or risk of asteroid impact seems to be
much smaller than warranted by the potential for catastrophic risk (Cambier et al. 2009; Jones 2009; McKee 2009).
Other environmentally-based
problems, however, do receive extensive attention, at least in developed countries. Water and air
pollution in developing countries in particular have been the targets of rigorous scientific
research and extensive regulation (Vig and Kraft, 2006). The working hypothesis of this paper is
that the reason why lead emissions from automobiles and arsenic pollution in drinking water, for
example, have received so much attention is that their risks to humans have been the subject of
probabilistic epidemiological analyses. In other words, the risks these types of dangers pose to
humans have been quantified in terms of the probability of pre-mature involuntary death of those
exposed to these hazards. In many developed countries, there is a de facto standard (actually
sometimes codified in regulations) that no one environmentally-based risk ought to lead more
than one person per million to die pre-maturely and involuntarily from that risk (Hunter and
Fewtrell 2001; Kelly 1991). So, for example, in the United States, a debate has centered on how
much arsenic can be allowed in drinking water that would meet this de facto ethical standard
(Huslin 2001). I believe that the existence of this de facto standard seems to focus both the
science and policy analyses that often lead to policy action.
This paper argues that progress towards setting probabilistic ethical standards associated with
species extinction is needed to focus both science and policy analyses related to species
extinction to foster more timely and comprehensive policies to protect non-human species
worldwide. The question addressed by this paper is: what could the ethical standards be? To help
address this question, the next section of the paper presents a summary of recent work on those ethical standards related to preventing human extinction. This overview is then combined with the
de facto standard for individual environmentally-based risks to create an ethical profile spanning
from individual deaths to human extinction. The third section generalizes this framework to all
other species on earth. Speculations are made about where we are today with respect to risks to
humans and other species alike.
There is a de facto ethical standard related to risks of pre-mature death from
involuntary environmental risks. It is assumed that this standard has ethical verisimilitude. In
other words, there are no widely accepted philosophical arguments that defend this standard;
apparently it just feels right to people.
With respect to human extinction, many authors have written about our obligations to future
generations. These obligations have roots in ethics and philosophy. Three prominent obligations
to future generations are:
· Fairness – future generations should not be subjected to risks that current generations do
not accept (MacLean 1981; McKee 2009);
· Maintaining options – current generations have the obligation to allow future generations
as much freedom to choose and shape their futures as they do (Weiss 1990); and
· Unfinished business – humans ought to strive to survive to finish major tasks in order to
provide meaning for their existence in the universe (Bell 1994).
These three obligations to future generations have been previously quantified to determine the acceptable
risks of human extinction (Tonn 2009). The acceptable risks resulting from the fairness,
maintaining obligations, and unfinished business obligations turned out to be 3 x 10-24, 1 x 10-20
and 2x10-20, respectively. Reasonable people could differ on how to quantify the
three principles listed above. Extensive debates could address each of the many assumptions
needed to operationalize the approaches. It also needs to be mentioned that several other
obligations to future generations were not operationalized and that there could be philosophical
inconsistencies among the three principles that were operationalized.
However, the worth of this recent work to this paper is in the conclusion that it is possible to
theoretically determine and justify such risk thresholds and that the thresholds, calculated from
three very different perspectives, are quite low. For the purposes of this paper, let’s assume that
the acceptable risk of human extinction is 10-20 within a one thousand year planning period. In
other words, it is unacceptable for the risk of human extinction to exceed 10-20 at any time during
this time horizon. The 1000-year time frame is long enough to reveal all the major risks to
humanity (from climate change to volcanic eruptions to collisions with asteroids) and long
enough to allow us to effectively plan and implement long-term solutions to such problems
(Tonn, 2004), including defending the Earth against extraterrestrial planetary threats (Barbee and Nuth 2009; Cambier et al. 2009; Crowther 2009).
Ethical standards between the de facto 10-6 for individual deaths
and the standard for human extinction, 10-20 have not yet been proposed. This paper does so, as Figure 1 illustrates. The
green line, running from Point A to Point D represents the entire ethical threshold frontier. Point
A represents the de facto standard related to one involuntary, pre-mature death (10-6) from the
accumulation of all such risks (this makes this standard much stricter than the standard de facto
standard which deals only with one risk at time, not accumulated risks to individuals). Assuming
a log-log scale, the ethical threshold gets stricter in a linear fashion as the green line moves from
left to right, until the population at risk begins to approach the entire human race, where the
ethical threshold dives precipitously to Point D, which represents the assumed standard related to
human extinction (10-20). Points below the green line are ethically acceptable. Points above the
green line are ethically unacceptable. The level of unacceptability increases as one moves up
from the green line and from left to right along the horizontal. The worst area for humanity to
find itself is in the region of Point E, in the upper right hand portion of the space. This represents
an area of almost certain extinction of the human race within the planning period.
![]() Figure 1. Ethical obligations related to preventing human deaths.
Of particular interest is Point B which represents a massive population loss of hundreds of millions of humans or more. The ethical standard is approximately 10-13. It is interesting to compare the thresholds represented by the green line to various published risks. For example, it has been estimated that the risk of a major incident involving the tear in the space time fabric associated with experiments being run at Brookhaven National Laboratory ranges from 2x10-6 (slow destruction) to 2x10-8 (fast destruction) to 1x10-5 to 2x10-11 (Busza, Faffe, Sandweiss and Wilczek, 2000; Dar, Rujula and Heintz, 1999). Within this range of risks, any incident would need to cause the death of fewer than one person (10-5) to one million people (10-11) so as not to exceed ethical thresholds set out in Figure 1. In reasoning similar to the Fairness Criterion above and essentially consistent with Figure 1, Kent (2004) suggests that an acceptable risk of killing not only the current population but succeeding future populations due to an catastrophic high energy physics experiment should be less than 10-22 per year. According to NASA, the risk of earth being hit by any known and tracked near-earth object that could cause a major loss of life over the next 100 years seems to be very small. The only NEO that appears to be capable of causing a major loss of life is 2004 BX159, which is 1.2 km in diameter and which has a probability of 2.6 x 10-9 of hitting the earth during the next 100 years. If the number of possible deaths exceeds several thousand, then this event by itself could exceed the risk threshold set out in Figure 1 and would warrant efforts to reduce its probability of impact. It is also possible that the cumulative risks of asteroid impacts exceed ethical thresholds but these numbers have not been calculated.(see http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/).
It must be emphasized that Figure 1 contains a very disparate range of risks, from risks to individual humans to those that threaten the entire human race. To accommodate this range, it must be acknowledged that the scope of responsibility for meeting ethical risk thresholds changes as the risks move from the individual to the collective. It is proposed here that risks impacting tens to thousands of individuals be handled by communities (e.g., cities, counties); risks impacting up to millions be handled by regions (e.g., multiple provinces, multiple countries in a region), and that risks impacting larger populations be handled through global initiatives. The red line in Figure 1 represents the author’s judgment of the current situation facing humanity. It is certain that there are people alive today that will die pre-maturely from environmental risks imposed upon them involuntarily from the same risks that threaten other species. At this point, it needs to be stated that war needs to be incorporated into the set of risks that threaten massive population loss and human extinction. In fact, the red line suggests that it is certain that close to 100 million people will die prematurely over the next 1000 years. There is small hope that the pre-mature deaths will not exceed a billion. The only bit of optimism expressed by the red line is that it is very unlikely that humans will become extinct in the next 1000 years. This is more by luck than design because humans are adaptive, creative and flexible, leaving only a few singular and highly unlikely paths open to extinction (Tonn and MacGregor 2009). In totality, though, it can be argued that ethical thresholds are being exceeded at all points from A to D except the most extreme. This judgment represented by the red line in Figure 1 is at odds with several other published estimates of the probability of human extinction. For example, Rees (2003) estimates the risk of human extinction to be at least one in two over the next one hundred years. Leslie (1996) puts the risk at 30% during this time period. Bostrom (2002) estimates that the risk is at least 25%. The Stern Review conducted for the United Kingdom Treasury assumes probability of human extinction during next century is 10% (United Kingdom Treasury 2006). Finally, the yellow line represents an intermediate solution between the highly unacceptable red line and the acceptable green line. This solution removes catastrophic risks from almost all potential human futures through global cooperation and moves towards moving responsibility for remaining risks to regions and then eventually to communities. III. OBLIGATIONS TO OTHER SPECIES The purpose of this section is to generalize the framework presented in the previous section to massive species extinction. Figure 2 presents graphically an ethical framework to use when developing policies to prevent species extinction. The approaches to human risk and species risk are fundamentally the same, although the details differ substantially. Both approaches begin with a de facto standard, end with an extinction standard, and interpolate in between. One difference is that there is no explicit de facto standard related to an ethical standard to prevent the extinction of an individual species. Interpretations of the consequences of implementation of the Endangered Species Act in the United States are that the risk to a species needs to become quite substantial before a species is listed as endangered or threatened. In this regard it needs to be pointed out that animals and major plants species are addressed by the ESA. Insects and the various micro-organisms are not.
![]() Figure 2. Ethical obligations related to preventing massive species extinction.
Therefore, in regard to plants and animals, it could be argued that the risk may rise to be as high as one chance in ten. Then plans are put in place to reduce the danger of extinction and species are delisted when the risk appears to be several orders of magnitude lower. Allowing that the second viewpoint is most defensible from an ethical framework, one could argue that the green line begins at Point A at a risk standard of about 10-4 for an individual species. Subjectively, this makes the value of one human life more valuable than that of an entire species. This may or may not be defensible ethically. Another philosophical question one could raise here is whether all species ought to be treated equally. At the end of the green line in Figure 2, at Point D, is the acceptable risk of the extinction of all life on earth. This standard, 10-23, is three orders of magnitude stricter than is the standard for human extinction. One reason for this is that humans would surely become extinct somewhat before all life itself became extinct. Thus, in order to reduce the threat of human extinction, one such path to extinction, massive extinction of other species, must be kept at least several orders of magnitude lower. Additional philosophical considerations could push this standard even lower. The green line in Figure 2 is interpolated between these two points, as in Figure 1. In this case, the drop off to the acceptable risk of all species extinction is a bit less dramatic than is the dropoff in Figure 1. The acceptable risk of massive species extinction, defined in the graph as existing near Point B is approximately 10-16. As in Figure 1, unacceptability increases as the points move up and to the right above the green line. Also, similarly, the worst point is Point E, which represents close to certain extinction of all life within the planning horizon. Figure 2 also contains a red line which representsthe present with respect to species extinction. It is certain that tens of thousands of species will become extinct during the next 1000 years. There are few signs that the situation will turn around any time soon, leaving the probability high that hundreds of thousands of species will also become extinct. As with the story about human survival, there is only a very remote chance that all life on earth will become extinct, when one considers that life exists in the deepest depths of the oceans, in the cauldrons of geysers, in soils, and in pools of water deep underground. Again, this is by luck, not policy. So, in summary, it can be argued that we are not close to meeting our ethical responsibilities to other species. IV. CONCLUSIONS This paper provides a framework to view ethical obligations to other species generally and a way to understand ethical thresholds related to preventing massive species extinction. However, this framework should only be considered as an initial effort in this area. Much additional thought is needed to ground the ethical thresholds related to both involuntary, pre-mature human mortality from environmentally-based risks and massive species extinction. As mentioned above, philosophical obligations to future generations were used to developed thresholds related to human extinction but reasonable people could disagree with the approaches and assumptions required to operationalize the approaches. The theoretical grounding for the ethical standards related to species extinction is even less secure. Much work is needed to sharpen and defend the green line in Figure 2. Despite these qualifications, the outline of the framework seems sound. There should be some acceptable risk associated with the pre-mature death of a human due to an involuntary environmental risk as well as associated with the extinction of an specie. To continue, there should be some ultimate acceptable risk standards associated with human extinction and extinction of all life on earth, respectively. Whether the interpolation between these two points follows the essentially linear functions found in Figures 1 and 2, until one reaches population extinctions is sound is another topic for further study, but the assertion that the extinction risk standard must be much stricter than the individual/species standard seems to be reasonable. It can be argued that we do not currently have the ‘technology’ to estimate the probabilities over a 1000 year time span required to instantiate Figures 1 and 2. It could be that a set of approaches are needed to estimate probabilities appropriate to the scale of the risk. For example, known approaches to risk analysis could still be used to determine risks to individuals and small numbers of people that would be under the responsibility of communities to deal with. In some instances, historical data might be available to estimate risks to larger numbers of people (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes) within a regional purview. Similar approaches can be taken at these scales with respect to species extinction. Beyond these two areas, probabilities would need to be estimated using subjective means. One could do this holistically using Bayesian methods or constructed using evidential approaches (see Tversky and Shafer 1985). Another suggested approach to estimating probabilities of risks to massive populations up to extinction would be to model as many paths into the future as possible. As the time horizon extends, the number of paths would grow exponentially but there are powerful brute force search algorithms (see Deep Blue, IBM’s system that used brute force computing technology to defeat the reigning world chess champion) that could tirelessly work through vast numbers of future paths into the future. If this could be done, then the probability of human extinction, for example, would simply be the number of paths that lead to extinction over all possible paths into the future. Then this probability could be compared to the ethical standard, as presented in Figure 1. One cannot underestimate the modeling challenge associated with modeling the future, when human behavior, the invention and adoption of new technologies, and a plethora of other complicating factors are considered over the 1000-year period. This could be one of those 1000-year challenges, maybe too daunting to undertake if one requires results next year but surely achievable to an extent needed for policy purposes over a longer time frame. One could argue that this challenge could be a logical next challenge for an organization such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Despite the lack of technology to estimate probabilities, it can be strongly argued that we are not meeting our ethical obligations to either our future generations or to other species. We know that individual humans and individual species will die pre-maturely or perish, respectively, without any probabilistic analysis. Most of us feel that the probabilities of massive loss of human life and extinction of species are unacceptably high. We also know that the likelihood of human extinction and complete loss of life is very low but this is not a situation we can take any credit for. The technologies are not needed, really, to tell us where we are at, but to help us shape policies to move the red lines in Figures 1 and 2 down towards and someday coincident with the green lines.
I would like to thank Woody Dowling for his comments on a draft version of this paper.
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