Journal of Cosmology, 2009, Vol 2, 371-385. Cosmology, October 27, 2009 Planetary Threats and Defense: Transforming ExtraTerrestrial Dangers into Opportunity Jean-Luc Cambier, Ph.D.1, Lt. Col. P. Garretson2, Maj. D., F. Kaupa3 1AFRL/RZSA, Edwards AFB, CA, 2USAF/AETC, Maxwell AFB, AL, 3USAF/AFOTEC, Edwards AFB, CA Impacts from asteroids and comets constitute a profound threat to life on this planet, and needs to be seriously addressed. At the upper-end of the impact energy scale our very existence as a species is at stake. However, our civilization is also vulnerable to moderate-scale impacts. Protection against such devastation is a necessary and wise course of action. However, the time-scales and probabilities involved make it very difficult to justify financing the resources for any significant Planetary Defense program. Furthermore, technical difficulties abound. How best to approach threat elimination, whether object deflection or destruction, is as yet uncertain and require further development and testing, the latter being a subject of particular controversy. Furthermore, any threat remediation mission would currently require many years for planning and execution, a time delay which makes us vulnerable to threats which arise before we are ready to take effective action. However, we suggest that many of these key issues could be effectively integrated into an overall multi-agency program which combines Planetary Defense with long-term space exploration. This provides a unique opportunity to develop a robust Planetary Defense program consistent with political and budgetary constraints, as part of a US space policy.
1. Introduction
Asteroid and comet impacts played a crucial role in the solar system formation and presumably in the evolution of life on Earth, the most recent such event the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) event, 65 million years (Myr) ago being considered largely responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs (Alvarez et al. 1980). However, despite the current achievements of human civilization, we are not yet able to prevent a similar fate. If a similar size (approximately 10 km) asteroid was found to collide with Earth within a few years, we would be very hard-pressed to prevent the impact. The rarity of such "extinction-class" events - in average one every 100 Myr (Morbidelli et al. 2002) is generally seen as a comforting factor, but this is uncertain and could be illusory (Asher et al. 2005). A good approximation (Ward and Asphaug 2000) to the number of impacts by objects of radius r > R1/ is a power law R1-7.3 Thus, an impact by an object of 1 km radius would therefore occur in average every 500,000 years, with an equivalent energy of approximately 500,000 megatons of TNT. This is still a massively devastating impact, and it is difficult to evaluate precisely when the last event of that class actually occurred.
The threat is very real and extends to objects well below the size of the K/T event; therefore, it would be good policy to develop the means to protect the planet, the eco-system, and our civilization from annihilation. This topic of "Planetary Defense" is increasingly the subject of serious studies, and although a coordinated, long-term effort is currently lacking, there is constant progress in that direction (Hiss and Garretson 2008; Wie 2008a; Ulrich 2009). This is however not an easy endeavor, both for socio-political and technical reasons. It is difficult to justify the commitment of public funds to address a problem occurring on the scale of a Myr, a number far beyond human perception. While the much higher frequency of medium-class (30-100m) impacts makes the threat more prevalent and understandable to the public, limited resources could equally prevent the funding of a remediation program e.g. hurricane or earthquake preparation may take priority. Technical challenges can also be formidable and require long-term development of costly technology. However, we believe there is a path out of this dilemma.
2. The Challenges
2A. Detection & Characterization
The first step in improving our safety from the impact of Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and other bodies consists of actively detecting, tracking and cataloging them. This aspect of the remediation strategy is probably the most urgent and (even when considering dedicated space telescopes) the least costly aspect of any planetary defense program. Identifying threats as early as possible greatly facilitates a response mission for threat mitigation. Any mitigation option will require several years to a couple of decades lead time, a concept which humanity may not come to grips with until a real crisis is at hand. There is here a potential opportunity for international cooperation and US leadership to establish an all-encompassing detection effort.
For example: procedures for the US Space Command to declassify observations of upper atmosphere explosions of small (< 50 m) asteroids to help model frequency and energy distributions; and more scenario and contingency planning among US government agencies as well as international and non-government organizations. Currently, no agency is in charge of Planetary Defense, and there is no concept of operations to counter or respond to an impact.
There are several technical approaches to a systematic detection campaign which are discussed at length elsewhere (e.g. Ivezić et al. 2006) Overall, the detection infrastructure must be expanded. Ground-based telescopes are needed world-wide, especially in the Southern hemisphere where efforts have been lagging. Space-based detection is also needed, and may be performed at reasonable cost, such that universities can develop and experiment with new detection equipment.
A current example is the Near-Earth Object Surveillance Satellite program from the University of Calgary. This demonstration effort has multiple goals, including detecting NEOs and monitoring high-orbit satellites (Hildebrand 2008).
Another important issue is characterization, the gathering of detailed information from potential colliders. This would facilitate the subsequent mission of deflecting the asteroid, by providing detailed information, e.g. composition and structure, which help determine the best approach to deflection and/or the timing and position of the devices to be used. This is particularly important for methods such as nuclear detonations, kinetic impacts, or laser/solar ablation. However, any precursor characterization mission significantly adds to the lead time required for a successful deflection and increases the risks. Therefore, a long-term NEO characterization campaign is highly desirable, in order to gather statistically significant data for accurate and predictive modeling of various deflection scenarios. This will require low-cost robotic missions arguably some manned missions to asteroids of different types, involving intrusive (drilling, sampling), or remote (co-orbiting) sensing. A sufficiently large number of missions are needed to obtain data from a statistically significant sample of NEOs. Given the distances and associated communication delays, extensive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is necessary. The missions must also have sufficient power and life-time to perform the necessary work; compact, high-performance (notably regarding efficiency and specific impulse) advanced propulsion systems are also a critical requirement.
2B. The Challenges of Deflection
The key task in threat mitigation is to provide enough impulse to the object to make its trajectory miss Earth by a reasonable margin of error, an especially difficult task for large objects. Generally speaking, the impulse required is not a monotonic function of time, but the overall trend remains that the force required becomes excessively large when the time before impact decreases. Even when there is sufficient warning (i.e. decades), it is still beneficial to apply as much force as possible; not only this gives a bigger deflection margin, but it allows us more time to make corrections if necessary. The time required to prepare, launch and execute a deflection mission can take several years in the best case scenario (Barbee 2005), assuming we even had the launch and spacecraft capability readily available. A prior characterization of the target would add several years to the overall mission. A rapid "Access-to-Space" would greatly improve the odds of a successful deflection, but would require new, highly robust launchers. Such an airplane-like operating tempo has long been an objective for both civilian and commercial space throughout the world, and is the subject of active research.
2C. The Nuclear Stand-Off Option
If time is critical, one must use "hard-push" deflection scenarios, i.e. application of large forces during short durations, and nuclear detonations are the most effective means of delivering the energy required for this impulsive maneuver. In the nuclear stand-off approach the weapon is detonated at some distance from the NEO, and the energy (mostly X-rays and neutrons) is used to ablate material on the surface of the asteroid, with the subsequent recoil providing the impulse for deflection (Dearborn 2004). The approach a-priori requires little characterization of the NEO, and no rendezvous procedure with the target two significant time-saving features. Because the energy is delivered mostly as radiation, the impulse can be distributed over a large area (in contrast to high velocity impactors) and to objects of any shape (including rubble piles and sand piles). Furthermore, if detonated at sufficient distance, impulse could be provided to NEO satellites, i.e. composite objects. However this approach is not the most efficient: a lot of energy can be re-radiated and the impulse-to-energy ratio can be small scaling approximately as: heating a small mass to very high temperatures is not an efficient way to provide the necessary impulse to the asteroid1/T2/1: heating a small mass to very high temperatures is not an efficient way to provide the necessary impulse to the asteroid.. The same observations apply to the case of laser ablation.
The fact that a nuclear stand-off approach is still an attractive option mostly results from the enormous amount of energy available in thermo-nuclear devices. Since we are not concerned with having a limited amount of mass available, the best use of the available energy would be to heat a greater amount of material, but to temperatures just high enough to vaporize it. However, the energy threshold required depends on material properties (composition, structure, porosity, etc.), and this may again require a prior characterization mission, unless there is enough information from the systematic campaign of NEO characterization.
It has been suggested (e.g. Gennery 2004; Holsapple 2004) that neutrons could be more effective and their yields could be optimized with the appropriate warhead design, but this again requires a good characterization of the NEO properties, notably porosity and composition. If we consider, for example, an object with a diameter of 1 km, using an average range of 150 kg/m2 for neutrons, average geometric irradiation factors and a stand-off distance of half the object's diameter, one needs a neutron yield of about 5-107 J in order to achieve the material-independent value of specific energy deposition of 100 MJ/kg. Since in an optimized device the neutron yield is approximately 10% of the total energy, this is equivalent to a weapon yield of 1,200 megatons (Mt-TNT), or 130 times the yield of the most powerful weapon developed by the US (or equivalently, hundreds of existing stockpiled devices). The X-ray yield being typically larger by at least one order of magnitude, it is still debatable whether neutrons provide a better coupling efficiency.
2D. Explosive Fragmentation
Buried detonation would be a more effective approach, since the entire energy of the device can be absorbed by the target and re-radiation of high-temperature plasma is no longer a net-loss, since it is absorbed by the surrounding material. The effect most easily obtained, i.e. requiring the least energy, would be fragmentation of the object. Since at the threshold all the debris would remain on essentially the same trajectory, for fragmentation to be effective the debris must have a significant relative velocity as a result of the detonation, so that by the time of impact they are widely scattered. The minimum energy for fragmentation of a 1 km-diameter asteroid was approximated by Ahrens and Harris (1994) as 1 Mt-TNT; this figure is easily increased by one order of magnitude to provide the required scatter velocity to the debris (depending on the time-to-impact). This still makes a deeply buried nuclear detonation about two orders of magnitude more efficient than stand-off detonation and brings the required yield down to values where stockpiled weapons are useful. However, a buried device will require: (a) a rendezvous mission instead of simply intercepting the NEO; (b) drilling into the core to significant (≈100 m) depth, an especially difficult prospect for hard (nickel-iron) objects, or (c) a deep impactor with delayed fuse, possible only for very soft targets. Therefore, a buried nuclear detonation would not require development of new warheads, but the mission time would be significantly longer and would still be difficult for some targets.
It has been repeatedly claimed that nuclear detonations and kinetic impacts are not desirable, since fragmentation of the target would lead to an increased level of damage from multiple impacts. This is, however, highly debatable. Complete break-up of the target would lead to a spreading of the NEO material (eventually forming a "ring"), only a fraction of which would intersect with Earth (Sanchez, Vasile and Radice 2008). The effects of an impact also do not scale linearly; a large asteroid impact creates a global catastrophe for any impact location, while smaller objects have a greater chance of hitting oceans and regions of low-population densities. Finally, smaller debris would burn-up at high altitude in the atmosphere. It has been suggested that the flash heating would be equally detrimental, and this is mostly dependent on the volumetric density of the debris at impact, which becomes very low after sufficient time has elapsed for the spreading of the material. By comparing the energy flux of the debris
Nevertheless, the nuclear option can easily handle small objects (30-50m) and is our only chance to deal with extreme (>1 km) threats. In between, the situation requires more careful study.
2E. Other Options
Deflection by kinetic impact is also possible for relatively small asteroids (Holsapple 2004; Sanchez et al. 2009). Kinetic energy being not conserved in inelastic collisions, conservation of momentum must be used to evaluate the impulse transferred to the asteroid ΔI = MΔV = mpvp. Due to constraints on initial launch mass Mo
and time to intercept Δt
the spacecraft must satisfy some minimal performance requirements. For any vehicle speed (e.g. vp =10 km/s) and time to intercept (e.g. Δt ≈ 1 yr), the mass in orbit and minimum power requirements can be estimated from:
![]() where ve is the exhaust velocity of the propulsion system. Using conventional thrusters (Isp ≈ 2ksec) the power requirement is at least of the order of 400 kWe (requiring nuclear power), while chemical propulsion results in excessively large vehicle masses. The other alternatives consist of "slow-push" methods (Sanchez et al. 2009), some being particularly attractive because of the low mass and potentially low cost (less of an issue if an impact is predicted with sufficient accuracy). The gravity tractor (Lu and Love 2005) is an option that provides a very weak force and yet the spacecraft mass must be large first because the force applied on the NEO scales with the spacecraft mass, and because propellant mass is large due to continuous thrusting. Careful positioning of the tractors (Wie 2008b) can be achieved to optimize performance and provides some redundancy to protect against failure - but the scheme appears to offer little advantages over other slow-push methods. A potentially attractive variation on the concept is a solar-sail gravity tractor (Wie 2007). Solar sails as propulsion systems can also double as solar concentrators for the deflection; the appropriate technology still needs to be developed and tested and considerable time is required to complete the mission, but this approach could be a natural extension of a systematic NEO characterization campaign that sends probes to multiple targets. A solar concentrator and NEO vaporization would also seem particularly attractive since the NEO itself provides the propellant mass, and there is little on-board power required. If the technology to deploy very large structures such as solar-sails exists, one could also consider tethers that hook on the NEO (Chobotov & Melamed 2007) or even "nets", especially useful for rubble piles. If the ΔI requirement is sufficiently large, a higher rate of ablation is needed (i.e. laser). Something must be known about the material properties in order to achieve a good coupling (preliminary characterization). The power requirements can present some difficulties: assuming the material is heated to yield a velocity of 10 km/s, for ΔI = 109 kg.m/s and a 1-yr mission time, the power delivered is approximately 3.2 MW. Conversion efficiencies of lasers are relatively low (≈10%), implying an electrical power of 32 MWe clearly another requirement for nuclear power. Chemical lasers are ruled out because of excessive reactant mass requirements. Much larger objects would require excessively high powers (e.g. 32 GW for ΔI = 1012 kg.m/s). Heat rejection yields another key limitation: the current state-of-the-art in specific mass for space power is about α ≈ 20 kg/kWe, a figure mostly driven by radiator mass at high power. A hard-driven R&D program could potentially bring this down to 5 kg/kWe, but if the system must reject 1 GW of thermal power, at the very best the radiator would weigh about 5,000 tons, making laser ablation clearly unfeasible for the largest ΔI requirements. Increasing the time for deflection (if possible) reduces the power requirements but increases the risk of failure. Another approach may be to use the plasma flow from a propulsion system itself, if it has extremely high specific impulse and high efficiency. In any case, very high power generation (>50 MWt) would be beneficial but requires a combination of very high efficiency, extremely low α, and the assembly and deployment of yet another large-scale structure (radiators) in space.
3. Finding the Opportunity There are many "dual-use" aspects of the technology and missions required for an effective Planetary Defense program. NEO detection requires more telescopes, including space-based observation platforms, especially in the IR domain. Given the tremendous success and versatility of the Hubble space telescope, it seems reasonable to assume that such proposed telescopes can also serve for fundamental astronomical research, whether intra- or extra-solar (e.g. planet finders). The large flotilla of advanced robotic missions required for a comprehensive NEO characterization campaign could also provide critical data for understanding solar system formation, and can be adapted to deep-space missions to the outer planets and their moons. On a longer time-scale, this would be a precursor technology to a systematic utilization (mining) of asteroid resources for the colonization of the solar-system (Lewis 1997). Multiple areas of highly advanced technology development are required for a Planetary Defense objective, e.g. space propulsion, space power, rapid launch, artificial intelligence, and sensing. The first three are especially noteworthy. Rapid and robust access to space is of critical importance to both civilian and military space programs, as well as the development of a vigorous commercial development of the space environment. Advanced space propulsion is equally critical, by extending the number and width of launch windows (a greater safety margin for short-notice impact scenarios), allowing more extensive and longer-term exploratory missions (e.g. more mass into deep-space), enabling space colonization (Lunar/Mars colonies), and again, facilitating commercial enterprises (e.g. deployment of large-scale structures for power-generating stations, "hotels", mining operations), especially when combined with advanced low-α power generation (such as very large solar arrays or nuclear power). This close relationship between the requirements of Planetary Defense and long-term space exploration and exploitation provides the opportunity that we need. Conclusions Planetary Defense requires the aggressive development of some key space-access and space-faring technologies, as well as the modeling and testing of some controversial approaches. In isolation, the topic is fraught with technical and political difficulties. However, if essentially the same key technologies must be developed and deployed for the commonly accepted goal of space exploration, the Planetary Defense program becomes the automatic beneficiary of a well-constructed long-term space program that includes civilian, military and commercial objectives. It is then no longer necessary to justify a separate program to protect us from NEOs, a difficult rationale to accept for a cost-conscious public; we suggest here that an effective and cost-efficient Planetary Defense program can be developed as a key component of a coherent long-term space policy. Thus, a synergetic and mutually beneficial relationship could be developed between the long-term focus of Planetary Defense and the flexible goals of basic scientific research and space exploration. While deflection techniques are of key importance and are being studied in increasing detail, we also emphasize the critical importance of propulsion and power, two technology areas which would greatly benefit from the long-term focus of Planetary Defense. Propulsion and power are enablers for difficult mission scenarios, whether for reaching the threat in short times, large-scale NEO characterization campaigns, slow-push deflection methods and rapid low-cost launch to orbit. Solving these hard technical problems will stimulate innovation and increase the intellectual capital and commercial gains of any nation that is actively involved. The designation of a lead agency (such as STRATCOM) has been emphasized earlier (Garretson and Kaupa 2008) and remains an important issue, but Planetary Defense also requires coordination between multiple agencies with various capabilities and expertise. The integration of these various agencies (e.g. NASA, DOE and DOD) into such a program would be extremely beneficial, as another example of close collaboration for more efficient, cost-cutting technology development of mutual interest, while serving an overall, essential purpose of protection against unimaginable disasters.
Distribution A: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited (PA Clearance Number 09444) Note: This paper does not represent the official view of the US or USAF.
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