Journal of Cosmology, 2010, Vol 4, 780-800. Cosmology, January 3, 2010 Black Holes, Gravity, Elementary Particles, and the Destruction and Creation of Matter Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. Cosmology.com The infinite, eternal universe continually recycles energy and mass at both the subatomic and macro-atomic level, thereby destroying and then reassembling atoms, molecules, stars, planets and galaxies (Joseph 2010). Mass, molecules, atoms, protons, electrons, and elementary particles are continually created and destroyed, and matter and energy, including hydrogen atoms, are continually recycled and recreated by super massive black holes and quasars at the center of galaxies, and via infinitely small gravity holes also known as "black holes", "Planck Particles", "Graviton Particles", and "Graviton-holes." Holes smaller than a Planck length consist of graviton particles and gravity waves and are a source of infinite gravity. In local space graviton-holes counterbalance the gravitational pull of entire planets, thus giving rise to the false impression that gravity is weak. These holes are formed via the liberation and radiation of electromagnetic energy and elementary particles which results in the breakdown and compression of photons, protons, electrons... with the compressed remnant contributing to the gravity-mass of the hole. The deflected energy acts to bind together liberated quarks and leptons to form protons and electrons, all of which leads to the simplest and lightest of all atoms, hydrogen. Hydrogen is vital to life and is essential for the creation of stars which emit photons which are captured, whittled down, compressed, collapsed and their energy expelled by gravity-holes, and which leads to the creation of hydrogen, and thus the cycle repeats itself again and again.
1. The Quantum Micro-Universe Conventional wisdom is that quantum physics best describes the atomic and subatomic world, whereas classical (Newtonian) physics is best applied to the macromolecular world of everyday objects, including planets, stars and galaxies. However, from the point of view of an infinite cosmos, stars and galaxies are also microscopic (Joseph 2010), which in turn accounts for the limitations of quantum physics and classical physics. Just as all matter consists of atoms and elementary particles, the stars, planets, and entire galaxies are like atoms and elementary particles in the infinite universe. In classical physics, the atom is based on a planetary-solar model, and a single electron is viewed as a particle moving in a circular trajectory around the atomic nucleus (Bohr, 1913; Rutherford, 1914, 1920), much like a planet is believed to orbit the sun. In fact, the electron does not even exist but is a composite of infinite space within which interacts a family of elementary particles and energies (Bohr, 1934; Heisenberg 1930, 1955; Weinberg, 1967). Quantum mechanics tells us that matter consists of elementary particles, such as quarks and leptons (Drell and Yan, 1970; Eichten et al., 1983; Glasser and Leutwyler, 1985; Halzen and Martin 1985; Weinberg, 1967; Wilson, 1974), and bosons (Lee et al., 1977; Higgs, 1966). Two quarks make a hadron (protons, neutrons). Families of leptons create electrons. Bosons mediate the weak nuclear force through which (along with two other fundamental forces: gravity and electromagnetism) leptons and quarks interact (Eisberg and Resnick, 1985; O'Reilly, 2002). And yet, infinite space is the basic construct of matter, and space is divisible forever without ever reaching the end.
![]() ![]() ![]() It is through this infinite space that quarks and leptons interact via electromagnetic waves (quanta) and particles (photons). Quanta represent small packets of energy whereas photons have a discrete energy which is dependent on its frequency (Eisberg and Resnick, 1985; O'Reilly, 2002). Quanta and photons in fact share certain properties and posses a particle-wave duality in which they are neither one nor the other. Therefore, it could also be said that photons represent both a unity and a duality such that it is "what it is not," and "is not what it is." This "to be or not to be" formulazation is related to Heisenberg's (1955) "uncertainty principle" and provides insight into the nature of space-time within the infinite spaces through which quanta and photons necessarily must pass and interact.
![]() ![]() The Heisenberg (1955) uncertainty principle states that both the position and momentum of a particle cannot be known simultaneously. As a particle gives up information about its location, information about its momentum is lost. The more we know about one, the less we know about the other. Whenever a particle assumes a precise position in that instant it has no momentum. And whenever a particle is moving from one place to another, it has no specific location.
![]() ![]() Therefore, within this space-time, particles may have position or momentum, but not both (Bohr, 1934; Heisenberg 1930, 1955). This leaves us with at least three choices: 1) location is an illusion because everything is in motion, and/or 2) a particle has location whereas the wave has momentum, and/or 3) particles, including photons, are a particle/wave duality because they continually pass in and out of the infinite spaces of space-time, and this passage splits the wave from its particle (the wave being motion, the particle being location). Therefore, something about or within these infinite spaces splits singularities into dualities thus liberating energy from the particle. Energy is equal to and binds together mass. Therefore, when energy (momentum) is liberated its associated particle-mass (location) no longer exists. All that is left is momentum. When mass is liberated from its energy, all this is left is location, i.e. its mass which is gravity. 2. Infinite-Holes Within Infinite Space-Time In the formalism of quantum mechanics, what we perceive as reality is best described by a complex wave function whose characteristics consist of an infinite number of probabilities which may be calculated to determine the most probable outcome (Bohr, 1934; DeWitt and Graham, 1973; Heisenberg 1930, 1955; von Neumann 1937, 1938, 1955). Thus, for example, one can compute the probability of finding an electron in a particular location at a particular time and then make a prediction. However, the predicted outcome is just one of many. In quantum mechanics we are faced with an infinite number of possibilities within a sea of infinite space. Infinity is a basic construct of quantum physics (von Neumann 19371938). Therefore, infinite possibilities yield uncertainty. Only when a wave or a particle interacts with something does it come to have a physical reality which may be experienced by an observer in this space-time (Borh, 1934; Heisenberg 1930, 1955; von Neumann 1937, 1938). However, in between interactions the particle/photon/waves exist in another type of space-time; i.e. the infinite space between interactions. And within these infinite spaces are infinitely small holes in the fabric of space-time.
![]() 3. Gravity-Holes Space is infinitely divisible into forever. However, it is not a one way trip into eternity, if we accept some of the premises of particle physics (Griffiths 2008). Passageways may exist within these infinitely small spaces, which may lead to other dimensions (Appelquist and Chodos 1983; Aharony, et al., 2000; Greene 2003; Keeton and Petters 2005; Randall and Sundrum 1999) and thus to "other worlds" or another space-time (Hawking, 1988). A singularity may exist on both sides of a hole in space-time, simultaneously, thereby creating duality from singularity. An infinite number of holes would yield an infinite number of possibilities and would enable a singularity to have not just duality, but multiplicity via multiple dimensions existing on the other side of an infinity of holes.
![]() In quantum physics, the smallest unit of space has a Planck length which is defined as 10-33 cm (Eisberg and Resnick 1985). Space smaller than a Planck length, cannot be conceptualized by quantum mechanics or classical physics. Geometry ceases to exist, Cartesian coordinates, x, y and z, cannot be applied, and time ceases to have meaning (Garay 1995). Instead, a defining feature of these tiny spaces is gravity so powerful that it punches a hole in space-time. Holes may easily form within space smaller than a Planck length (Nouicer 2007; Scardigli 1999).
![]() According to General Relativity, associated to any mass m there is a length called the Schwarzschild radius, Sr such that compressing an object of mass m, to a size smaller than this radius Sr, generates tremendous gravity and immediately results in the formation of an infinitely small black hole in the fabric of space-time. Further, two lengths of the Schwarzschild radius, Sr, become equal at the Planck length. Hence, an object with a Planck mass and whose radius is less than the Planck length, would create a black hole. What this also means is that gravity is extremely powerful in space smaller than a Planck length. According to General Relativity, at least one hole may exist for every Planck length.
Einstein's and Newton's theories of gravity both predict that if mass is shrunk to a subatomic space, its gravity will increase and it will produce a black hole. Likewise, quantum physics tells us that at the Planck length, coupled with the corresponding Planck energy (1019 GeV), that the gravitational forces between particles becomes incredibly powerful (Eisberg and Resnick 1985; Smolin, 2002). Because gravity becomes so powerful, these particles collapse and implode, liberating energy, and leaving behind only a concentrated mass of gravity. Thus space-time, within the Planck scale, is subject to extreme uncontrollable quantum fluctuations, as if it is being bent, folded, crumpled, and torn apart by these powerful gravitational forces (Bruno, et al., 2001). If elementary particles, including electrons, protons, or photons, were to interact with a Planck-sized object or force within a space smaller than a Planck length, or if they were to slam into a quark, lepton, electron, proton, or photon, this collision would release so much mass/energy/gravity it would immediately punch a hole in space-time.
![]() If these are actual holes in space-time, what might pass through these holes? The Planck length is 10-33 cm --about 10-20 times the radius of a proton! Therefore, we can rule out protons, unless the proton is compressed or fractionated into its elementary particles, and this would occur only if stripped of its electromagnetic charge, leaving only gravity in is wake, thereby causing it to collapse. As will be explained, this is exactly what happens: the energy associated with the particle's mass is stripped away and defected back into space, along with liberated elementary particles. What is left is gravity which becomes the hole. Einstein (1939) argued that because of the principles governing the speed of light, particles could never enter the hole. Thus, at the level of a black hole, a particle becomes a duality (Ahluwalia, 2000), with the gravity-mass of the particle disappearing into and becoming the hole (location), but with the electromagnetic energy associated with the particle being deflected and radiated back into space (momentum). However, the mass itself does not become the hole. Nor does the particle become the hole (Einstein 1939). It is the gravity which holds the mass together which becomes the hole, i.e. a graviton (Joseph 2010). Energy is related to matter. Thus, when energy is stripped away and expelled, that radiating energy includes "mass" (Hawking, 2005). The particles never enter the hole and this is because elementary particles are no longer bound together due to the loss of gravity and energy. Instead, the particles are liberated and expelled back into space (Joseph 2010).
![]() Therefore, only the gravitional aspect of the particle or the photon disappears into and becomes the hole, and the associated energy and dissociated particles are left behind. The particle-wave duality becomes fragmented and indeterminant. In fact, at the Planck length the uncertainty principle and quantum indeterminacy becomes virtually absolute (Adler and Santiago, 1999; Maggiore 1993; Scardigli 1999). 4. Gravitons and Gravity Holes As demonstrated by particle physics (Eisberg and Resnick, 1985; Green 2003; Griffiths, 2008), it is through these infinite spaces that particle-waves and the four fundamental forces interact, i.e. the electromagnetic force, the gravitational force, and the weak and strong interaction. Because they interact within these spaces, holes are continually forming in spaces smaller than a Planck length. Particles and energy interact within these infinite spaces because of the gravity. However, particles and energy also interact with the liberated energy and particles associated with the formation of these graviton-holes. They interact and recombine. In space smaller than a Plank length, matter is continually disassembled and reassembled. Conventional wisdom is that "gravity is weak." However, according to quantum physics and General Relativity, at the Planck scale, within the space of a Plank length, the strength of gravity becomes equal to or even greater than the electromagnetic force and the weak and strong force (Smolin, 2002). Because of the strength of gravity within these infinitely small spaces, all the fundamental forces may be unified within the Planck length, thereby creating matter. The exact mechanism of this unification is triggered by the graviton-hole. That is, these forces interact, and become unified, precisely because of the tremendous gravity of these infinitely small gravity-laden holes which destroy matter and release energy and elementary particles which recombine to form new matter, beginning with the simplest of atoms, hydrogen (Joseph 2010; Joseph and Schild 2010). 5. Holes in the Walls of Multiple Dimensions These infinitesimally small holes within the walls of these infinitely small spaces, are directly responsible for what is misperceived as the "weakness of gravity." According to conventional wisdom, because gravity is weak a single man, woman, or child, can overcome the gravitational pull of the entire Earth, and pick up small or large objects and walk about the face of the planet without being crushed to the ground. To account for the apparent weakness of gravity, Randall and Sundrum (1999) have proposed that gravity particles (gravitons) are leaking into an extra-dimensional space, from one space-time (or dimension) to another via these holes. Randall and Sundrum's (1999) model would require at least one extra dimension, with some arguing for 9, 11, or more dimensions (Aharony, et al., 2000; Greene 2003; Keeton and Petters 2005). Is there evidence for these extra dimensions? Hypothetically, yes. A number of scientists have proposed the possibility of additional dimensions which may be separated by membranes (branes) but which communicate via infinitely small holes (Keeton and Petters 2005). Thus, instead of the 4 dimensions we associate with this reality, some have proposed 6, 9, 11 or more dimensions (Aharony, et al., 2000; Greene 2003; Keeton and Petters 2005), some of which are curled up within the 3 dimensions which make up this reality, and can be found in spaces smaller than a Plank length. If correct, then the extra-dimensions that exist within the space of a Planck length are not really part of this space-time as characterized by the classic 4-dimensions be they Euclidian or Minkowskian. Instead, these tiny dimensions may belong to another space-time, However, alternative dimensions imply the existence of alternate realities and parallel universes which are linked to this space time via the passageways created by these infinitely small holes. Further, if these holes in the fabric of space time serve as passageways to "other worlds," then theoretically it is possible for energy, gravity, information, matter, men, women, and entire galaxies to pass from one reality and enter a parallel reality, via these holes, e.g. such as the supermassive holes located in the center of spiral galaxies including the Milky Way.
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![]() ![]() If there are parallel universes, then it could be predicted that they, in turn, are linked to yet other parallel universes, and this continues onward to infinity Whereas some of these extra-dimensions are believed to be curled up inside the 4 dimensions that make up our reality, it may be that these 4 dimensions are curled up inside yet other dimensions; and these too continues onward for infinity. However, this might also mean that our 4 dimensions our curled up in the infinitely small space of yet other dimensions making up other realities which are super-ordinant to our own.
![]() What predictions or assumptions can be made about these alternate realities and parallel universes, if they exist? First, time would not be parallel, and time may not exist in some, or all parallel universes. Time is a dimension, not in Euclidian space, but in "Minkowski space." Euclidian space consists of 4 spatial dimensions none of which encompass time, but movement and geometric space. By contrast, "Minkowski space" is based on the concept of Special Relativity, and time is the 4th dimension. More specifically, 3 of the Euclidian dimensions of space are combined with a dimension of time thereby creating a four-dimensional manifold known as "space-time." This suggests that some alternative realities, if they exist, might be timeless, particularly if they consist of 3 or fewer dimensions. Further, if these holes exist in space-time, then it can be assumed that time cannot be transported to other dimensions. The hole passes through space-time, not the other way around. It could also be assumed that those hypothetical "bubble universes" which exist in close proximity to our own, would maintain a reality similar to our own. However, as distances between alternate realities increases, that is, as "bubble universes" become further and further away from each other, separated by an increasing number of bubble universes, it can be predicted that the realities of these alternate space-times, would increasingly differ from our own.
![]() Therefore, hypothetically, an alternate reality adjacent to our own, might be populated by galaxies, stars, planets, and people, little different from those of this reality, such that identical counterparts to you and I, labor away in these other worlds which are essentially identical to our own. However, the "reality" in that space time in the "bubble universe" over on the other side of the bubble universe next to our own, may be significantly different, e.g. perhaps dinosaurs never became extinct, Hitler won the war, the Kennedy brothers were never assassinated, and so on. Not all multi-dimensional models require alternate realities (Aharony, et al., 2000; Greene 2003; Keeton and Petters 2005). Randall and Sundrum (1999) for example, have proposed the existence of just one extra dimension. Some of these dimensions are also believed to belong to this space-time. However, the fact is, there is no evidence for these additional dimensions, much less "alternate realities." Moreover, these infinitely small holes are not holes at all. Instead, they are gravity-holes consisting entirely of gravity (Joseph 2010). Thus, there are no holes leading to other dimensions. There is only gravity. Gravity is the hole.
![]() 6. The "Weakness of Gravity" is an Illusion. Certainly it is possible the force of gravity is so strong within these infinitely small spaces, that a hole is punched through space time. However, the gravitational force law tells us at scales below the Planck length the force of gravity is enormous (Smolin, 2002). By the very fact that gravity is so powerful within these spaces tells us that the gravity did not disappear into another dimension as proposed by Randall, Sundrun and others. Instead, the gravity must be bound up and concentrated within these holes. Therefore, the hole is not a hole in space time per se and is not really a hole at all, but is instead is a bundle of gravity. And this concentrated gravity consists of particles i.e. the gravity particle known as the "graviton." The graviton particle is the hole.
![]() In classical physics, massive objects have gravity and interact via gravity through a gravitational field in much the same way that electromagnetism is communicated from one charged particle to another via a classical electromagnetic field (Smolin, 2002). In physics we know that any photon that enters a Planck-sized space would collapse and create a particle (aka, a "Plank particle") thus completely distorting that region of space (Sidharth 2001). The Planck particle has gravity. Tremendous gravity is the defining feature of the Planck particle and of particles smaller than a Planck length (Smolin, 2002). Therefore, these holes and particles are best described as a gravity particle,i.e. a graviton. In quantum theory (Eisberg and Resnick, 1985), the electromagnetic force involves an exchange of a particle, the photon. Therefore, quantum mechanics predicts the force of gravity must also be transmitted via the exchange of a particle, a graviton (Deffayet et al., 2002). It is the exchange of gravitons which are responsible for Newton’s law of gravitational attraction. Therefore, by combing classical physics with general relativity and quantum mechanics, we can deduce that gravity may have a particle-wave duality. Therefore, gravity is a particle (a "graviton") and a "wave" of "magnetic force." Gravity waves are in fact predicted by Einstein's general relativity (Hartle 2003) and their existence has been repeatedly confirmed (Arun et al., 2006; Hulse and Taylor 1974, 1975; Shibata and Nakamura 1995; Weisberg and Taylor 2004). However, and as will be explained, "gravity waves" may be produced by gravity, or rather, by graviton-holes, as particles are stripped of their energy which is then expelled into space. It is these infinitely small gravity holes and the gravity waves they radiate, which accounts for the "weakness of gravity" illusion. 7. Gravitons, Gravity Holes, and the "Weakness of Gravity" Illusion. Infinite space is populated by an infinite number of infinitely small graviton-holes, which consist of a single particle of gravity, the graviton. It is precisely because gravity is so powerful within these sub-atomic Planck length spaces, that gravity appears weak at macro-atomic scales. The properties of black holes include mass, gravity angular momentum, and charge (Heusler, 1998). Graviton-holes have spin which creates a charge. The fact that the black hole has a charge indicates that the black hole interacts with surrounding space, and this includes repelling other charges, via gravity waves. Gravity attracts. However, when gravity is liberated from matter, and as matter (stripped of energy and particles) collapses, all that is left is gravity, and it is thus gravity which collapses. As gravitational density increases the attractive forces is changed to a repelling force, and that force is the gravitational wave. Thus, gravity waves can prevent two objects from collapsing into one another, especially if both in motion and have spin. The wave/spin acts as a tidal force that repels rather than attracts.
![]() ![]() Graviton-holes are in motion in respect to each other (and the entire planet) and they tumble around each other asymmetrically. Because they are in motion they release energy, i.e. gravity waves. Gravity waves act to keep graviton-holes apart. The waves from two graviton-holes repel one another. Thus, they do not join together and become more powerful. As the Earth and the moon rotate around each other, and as they rotate and orbit the rotating sun, they also radiate gravity waves. Gravity waves radiated by this planet and Moon, act to maintain their distance apart and also prevent Earth and Moon from falling into the sun which also radiates gravity waves. However, as they emit gravity waves they lose energy. As they lose energy the gravity waves emitted become weaker which causes Earth and Moon to draw closer to one another and to the Sun. The decreased distance will cause them to rotate more rapidly such that they lose more energy and the gravity waves become weaker still, causing them to draw even closer together. Theoretically, after about 15 billion years the gravity waves would be so weak Earth and Moon would fall into the sun (which, of course, would have ceased to exist long before this could happen). An infinite number of graviton-holes exist in local space. Because of their close proximity, they move asymmetrically and their rates of rotation accelerate which causes them to emit more energy and thus more gravity waves. Asymmetric acceleration releases additional energy, i.e. gravity waves. Therefore, just as the gravity waves emitted by Earth and the Sun keep them apart, gravity waves emitted by an infinite number of gravity-holes, in local space, act as a force, counterbalancing and repelling not only each other but the more massive gravitational attraction of Earth.
![]() In local, personalized space, we are surrounded by graviton-holes which radiate gravity waves. This surrounding localized free gravity counters the tremendous gravitational pull of an entire planet via attractive (local) and repellant (distant) influences, so that a human can easily pick an object up off the surface of the earth although the entire planet and its gravity are opposing this effort. The existence of an infinite number of gravity-laden black holes, less than a Planck length in size, explains why gravity appears to be weak. Because we are surrounded by free-agent gravitons, they would have a local attractive influence and via gravity waves a repellant influence thereby countering the gravity of Earth. Of course, it can be argued that gravity does not repel. Gravity attracts. However, gravity waves repel. And that's the point. By attracting local objects without spin, graviton-holes in local space counters the attractive influences of Earth which has spin. If there are an infinite number of gravity holes then what prevents them from merging? Further, why are we not compressed and torn apart into elementary particles and sucked inside these infinitely small gravity holes? Graviton holes repel one another by the emission of gravity waves. This prevents graviton-holes from merging. Moreover, as they radiate they lose energy, and they shrink and disappear (Hawking 1990). Planck length graviton-holes are continually forming and disappearing. The smaller the hole the more energy it radiates. Thus it will also radiate away its mass (Hawking 2005) which is gravity; the gravity particle--the graviton. Hypothetically, at some point there will be nothing left and the gravity hole disappears (Hawking 1990). For example, a gravity-hole with the concentrated mass of 100 pounds would evaporate in a nanoseconod. A gravity hole of mass 1 TeV/c2 would take less than 10-88 seconds to radiate away into nothingness. However, the radiation they liberate and the gravity waves they emit, can also bind together elementary particles, thereby creating mass and matter. Because the graviton-hole consists of gravity, the gravity per se does not disappear into nothingness. Gravitons and their gravity waves are a primary force around which a proton and electron come to be organized. Thus the graviton never disappears but is incorporated into the construction of new atoms. To summarize, in spaces smaller than a Plank length, matter and elementary particles are stripped of their energy which is radiated back into space, whereas the remaining particle collapses and forms a graviton-hole. An infinite number of infinitely small gravity-laden holes are continually created in Planck length space. These graviton-holes (also known as Planck particles) consist of a single particle: the graviton. An infinite number of free-agent gravitons in local-space are in motion and orbit and tumble about each other giving off gravity waves. The gravitons and gravity waves counter the massive gravitational effects of large objects, such as planets. This would mean that gravity is not really weak. Rather, gravity of supermassive objects is counterbalanced and repelled by an infinite number of infinitely small graviton-holes in local infinite space each of which are radiating gravity waves. This would explain why a single human can overcome the gravity of an entire planet and pick up an object from the ground. The graviton-holes in local space assists in countering the gravitational pull of the planet. Gravity holes also repel other graviton-holes via gravity waves, and as they lose energy, they disappear and/or they become incorporated into new matter, the gravity (along with the other forces) holding the particles together and forming protons and electrons. 8. Gravity-holes, Energy and the Creation of Matter Holes in space-time are associated with gravity, the manifestation of duality from singularity (e.g. particles and waves), the liberation and radiation of electromagnetic energy, and the creation of matter--tying together quarks and leptons to form protons and electrons, all of which leads to the simplest and lightest of all atoms, hydrogen. Hydrogen is vital to life and is essential for the creation of molecular clouds, stars, and galaxies. Black holes are associated with the emission of energy (Giddings, 1995; Hawking, 1975, 2005; Preskills 1992;), i.e. Hawking's radiation. According to the theory of relativity, mass is just highly condensed energy (E = mc2). Energy can be turned into mass and mass turned into energy; and energy (along with gravity) binds together quarks, leptons and other particles. Supermassive black holes are located in the center of spiral galaxies (Blanford 1999; Melia, 2003a,b; Jones et al., 2004; Ruffini and Wheeler 1971). As supermassive black holes swallow gravity-matter, they also radiate energy which can bind elementary particles and create mass, starting with hydrogen atoms. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, including fueling the activities of quasars which are believed to harbor super massive black holes at their center (Dietrich, et al., 2009; Mateo et al., 2005; Vestergaard, 2010; Vestergaard and Osmer 2009). Super massive black holes emit a constant electric charge, an electric flux, with charges trailing outward, streaming over the event horizon and spreading across the surface of the black hole (Heusler, 1998; Thorne et al., 1986). The event horizon is the point of no-return and, hypothetically, may be consist of a charged membrane. Thus, the surface membrane of a black hole is electrically charged and acts like a conductive sphere and selectively repels (or emits) certain charges and allows yet other material to fall inside. In some respects, the surface of a black hole acts as a semi-permeable membrane which presumably only allows causal influences to cross in one direction, i.e. inside (Finkelstein 1958; Thorne et al., 1986) while simultaneously rejecting the energy and the elementary particles associated with those objects. That is, the outer membrane may be permeated by tiny electrically charged holes which selectively allow certain material (the particle's mass/gravity) to enter while selective repelling its charge and its elementary particles. When the charge and electromagnetic energy is liberated, and gravity extracted, the mass will collapse as its elementary particles are freed. That is, the final collapse is triggered as its elementary particles are liberated such that all that is left is gravity. Thus gravity becomes one with the singularity of the black hole; all else is expelled back into space.
![]() Further, these tiny holes in the outer membrane may be configured to specific shapes and sizes, i.e. like a lock and key, such that when gravity-mass passes through it makes contact with the outer edges of these permeable holes creating friction. Therefore, hypothetically, the membrane oscillates (Thorne et al., 1986) due to this contact friction as gravity-matter (gravitons) pass through. This friction, or resistance, may also contribute to the membrane's electric charge. Because it contains a charge, the membrane (or the event horizon) behaves like a classical conducting sphere with a definite resistivity (Thorne et al., 1986). It radiates energy. And energy can attract and bind together those elementary particles which had also been liberated, thereby creating matter. The fact that black holes have a charge indicates these holes interact with surrounding space, and this includes repelling and attracting other charges, such as those magnetic and electric forces necessary for binding together elementary particles thereby creating creating atoms and molecules. The event horizon of a black hole is surrounded by radiation quanta, which has also been referred to as a "thermal atmosphere" (Thorne et al., 1986). Some of this radiation (e.g. gravity waves) may leak through the membrane (event horizon) and disappear into infinity. However, most of this quanta is deflected by the charge of the membrane and becomes "Hawking's radiation" (Hawking 1990). The radiation is accompanied by matter, i.e. the liberated elementary particles, e.g., leptons, quarks. Therefore, complex matter is dissociated into gravity, energy, elementary particles, and then recycled and recombined in the form of simple atoms. The energy ejected or repelled from a black hole contains very little or no information about what passed through the membrane-event-horizon (Hawking 1990), and this is because the energy which binds together elementary particles (creating atoms and molecules), is not synonymous with the atoms and molecules it binds together. Thus, as energy is repelled, molecules and atoms disintegrate and the elementary particles are liberated as they are no longer bound together. Consider for example, a proton, which is 19 orders of magnitude larger than a Planck length. As a proton is stripped of energy, it loses mass and grows smaller. As it shrinks its gravity increases and it will collapse thereby fitting inside a Planck length and becoming one with a black hole which it creates as it collapses. However, the hole consists of gravity. Therefore, all that may remain after energy and particles are liberated from the proton, electron, or particle, is the gravity and the gravitons which originally held the matter and particles and the proton and electron together. Thus a proton stripped of energy and its elementary particles leaves only gravity and the graviton particle. The gravity and the gravitons become the hole. The black hole, therefore, consist entirely of gravitons and the defining feature of a black hole is its gravity. 9. The Hole Is Gravity According to Quantum theory there exists a vacuum field which is populated by virtual particles and virtual anti-particles which may or may not exist but which have the potential to exist. Presumably, these virtual particles and anti-particles annihilate one another. However, it is possible that at the surface membrane or event horizon of the black hole these virtual particles become separated, like twins split at birth, with one twin swallowed up and the other deflected and then ejected from the surface where they then radiate away in the form of Hawking's radiation. However, given that the black hole grows denser and its gravity stronger as mass falls into it (Hawking 1999), it can be concluded that gravity and not virtual matter are in fact passing through or into the black hole. Consider the nature of photons which have a particle-wave duality. Photons do not escape a black hole, but packets of energy (quanta) do. The particle-wave duality is split, with gravity-mass disappearing into the hole, and with the energy that held the mass together deflected back into space. The particle-wave singularity, therefore, becomes a dissociated duality: particle and wave. Hence, only the remnants of the particle, and not the electromagnetic wave disappears into the black hole, such that the particle-wave duality is split and all that is left behind is gravity which forms the gravity-hole. The consensus opinion is that the energy associated with what went into the hole is repelled, or even turned into heat (Preskill 1994; Thorn 1994) and radiated into space (Hawking, 1990, 2005; Russell and Fender 2010). Therefore, the Hawking radiation does not originate from inside the hole, but just above the surface of the event horizon. Nothing escapes the "event horizon" except that which is repelled by the charge of the membrane. The energy is stripped away and expelled and this allows what remains to fall into the hole which gains gravity. Theoretically, this expelled quanta hovers above the membrane, at a distance less than the Planck length, as if held aloft by the charge, and then gradually drifts further away and becoming red-shifted as they are deflected.
![]() Gravity does not escape (Melia 2003b; Hawking 1990; Thorn 1994; Wald, 1992). Gravity is the hole. Depending on its size, the hole consists of gravitons, or a single graviton. It is certainly possible that elementary particles are also compressed into this gravitational singularity (thereby contributing mass to the hole). However, given that simple atoms are being fashioned together outside the hole, indicates that the particles (e.g., quarks and leptons), having been stripped of energy and liberated from gravity, are also deflected into space. Once liberated, then this frees these particles to be rebound together to form new atoms, beginning with hydrogen.
If particles are not liberated, then where do the come from? Mass is just highly condensed energy (E = mc2). However, quarks and leptons have no mass and no gravity. Therefore, quarks, leptons can not contribute mass or gravity to a black hole. The hole, therefore, does not contain quarks or leptons which have been liberated and deflected into space. Quarks, leptons, and bosons are bundles of energy. These patterns of activity give rise to quarks, leptons, and bosons. Energy becomes mass, and energy binds together quarks, leptons, and bosons. Thus, energy stripped from matter is recycled to bind together new matter, i.e. elementary particles which have also been expelled from the event horizon/membrane of the black hole which consists of gravity and gravity particles.
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Thus, matter and particles are continually broken down and then reassembled into atoms, beginning with the simplest atom, hydrogen (Joseph 2010). In summary: Complex matter collapses when it comes into contact with a supermassive black hole, or interacts in spaces smaller than a Planck length. The collapse is associated with the liberation of energy which is radiated back into space. As molecules and atoms are stripped of their gravity and energy, quarks and leptons (which have no mass) are also liberated and deflected. All that is left is gravity. Graviton particles become one with the hole, which becomes a gravity-hole, or, a hole filled with gravity. Lastly, the liberated energy combines with the liberated particles forming the elementary building blocks of simple atoms, beginning with hydrogen. Therefore the process of constructing atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies begins all over again. However, if the gravity of the initial mass/matter became part of the supermassive black hole, or forms a singularity with holes smaller than a Planck length (forming a graviton-hole), and as gravity is one of the fundamental forces through which quarks and leptons interact, then where do the liberated (or free agent) quarks and leptons obtain their gravity so as to form new atoms? The answer: There is an infinity of gravity available and which is bound up in an infinity of tiny holes that permeate space-time, in spaces smaller than a Plank length; i.e. the free agent gravitons. Gravitons are also recycled to create new matter, beginning with hydrogen atoms. 10. The Creation of Matter: Black Holes, Quasars, Energy, Mass, Hydrogen Gravity has an unknown size, and this is because the graviton particle is smaller than a Planck length, the smallest unit of measurement. Further, within a Planck length the effects of gravity are exceedingly powerful, and (collectively, in local space) can counter the gravity of entire planets. It is for this (and other reasons) that the quantum mechanics of gravity does not mesh well with Newton's theory of gravity or Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Hence, at the quantum subatomic level, gravity resists quantumization.
![]() Matter also resists quantumization, and this is because mass and energy cannot always be related to matter. Even the carriers of the weak force (W and Z bosons)-- although quite massive --cannot be considered matter even though they contribute to the total mass of atoms or subatomic particles. Nor are the force-carrying particles (such as photons) matter. Further, the subatomic particles that form the building blocks of matter, are not truly matter. Rather, it is these interactions of these forces and particles which give rise to the illusion of matter, which in reality consists largely of infinitely divisible space which is punctured by an infinity of holes in the fabric of space-time and through which these particle-waves interact creating patterns we recognized as tables, chairs, dogs, cats, stars and planets. What this tell us is that gravity and mass, and the interactions which give rise to matter, are also directly related to holes in space-time. The creation of the gravity-hole is a consequence of and enables these forces to interact to produce and bind together elementary particles. Holes in the fabric of space time, produce, emit, or repel energy which is stripped from the particles, with gravity either disappearing into the hole and becoming one with the hole, or punching a hole in space-time. The liberated energy which is ejected back into space is then free to attract and bind together elementary particles. Energy and elementary particles can then be converted to matter, i.e. atoms. The simplest atom is hydrogen, and hydrogen atoms are the most abundant atoms in the universe. Approximately 90% of all atoms are hydrogen atoms (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003). The holes which permeate the infinity of space appear to be a primary interactive source of everything we call matter which is bound together by energy radiating from the holes punched in the walls of space time by gravity. Regardless of size, black holes radiate energy, and energy can be converted to mass. The simplest of mass would be hydrogen (containing only a single proton and no neutrons or electrons), i.e. proton H+. Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the known universe (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003). Once created, proton H+ immediately attracts other atoms and molecules which contain electrons. Once the proton H+ attracts an electron, it becomes a hydrogen atom (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003). From there Heilum, Lithium, Sodium, and increasingly complex atoms and molecules can be assembled.
![]() ![]() Hydrogen (with a single proton and electron) is believed to constitute approximately 75% of the observable mass of the universe (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003), and along with helium (the second lightest and simplest element) is the major component of main sequence stars (Clayton, 1984). Hydrogen also easily forms compounds with other substances (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003). Hydrogen functions as an energy carrier. Black holes are also energy carriers and a charged black hole repels other like charges just like any other charged object. Conventional wisdom is that supermassive black holes--those located at the center of spiral galaxies--can function as a classical conducting sphere with a definite resistivity (Thorne et al., 1986). When mass or matter falls into a supermassive black hole, some, most, or all of the charge associated with the matter is repelled whereas the particle, stripped of its charge, collapses into a graviton and falls inside. These electric and magnetic forces, now stripped of the associated mass-graviton-particle, spread out above the surface of the black hole and then radiate outward as quanta (Preskill 1994) which interacts with elementary particles and becomes hydrogen gas. Therefore, the radiation, after being repelled from the black hole, comes to include mass (Hawking 2005; Preskill 1994) and forms hydrogen atoms. At the level of a black hole, an elementary particle becomes a duality, with the gravity-mass of the particle, the graviton, disappearing into the hole, but with the electromagnetic energy associated with the particle being deflected and radiated back into space. However, this electromagnetic force (i.e. the basic unit of which is the quantum, the photon) being stripped of its particle, has no mass. Instead, it attracts and binds elementary particles together, beginning with quarks, leptons, and bosons thereby fashioning protons and electrons which bind together to form hydrogen atoms, and then molecules. These molecules, having mass and gravity, bind together with other molecules, forming larger and larger objects, such as planets, stars, and galaxies.
11. Quasars, Black Holes, Hydrogen Production, Star Formation The production of hydrogen is directly associated with super massive black holes surrounded by quasars (Dietrich, et al., 2009; Mateo et al., 2005; Vestergaard, 2010). Quasars receive energy which has been deflected from super massive black holes at their center. These hydrogen spewing quasars also play a major role in the creation of stars (Elbaz et al., 2009; Natarajan et al., 1998; Ooosterlooet et. al., 2005; Rejkuba et al., 2002). Therefore, super massive holes in space-time liberate energy and create matter, beginning with hydrogen atoms and which leads to star formation. This process involves the breakdown of matter and mass which is then reassembled. First matter and energy are split as matter strikes the semi-permeable charged membrane sitting within the horizon of the black hole. What remains of the collapsed matter, the gravity-particle, creates friction as it squeezes through the infinite number of tiny holes puncturing the surface of the membrane. These frictive reactions generate energy which are coupled with the repelling of elements and waves, all of which are directed toward the Quasar. The Quasar captures and utilizes this energy which is selectively amplified and directed toward specific regions of space (Elbaz et al., Feain et al., 2007; 2009; Klamer et al. 2004; Silk et al., 2009). Quasars are also sources of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves, visible light and elementary particles such as electrons, protons, and positrons (Elvis, et al., 1994; Silk 2005; Willott et al., 2007). This energy binds with elementary particles creating hydrogen. Hence, energy liberated and expelled from mass falling into a super massive black hole, is recombined to produce hydrogen atoms which are expelled from the quasar as hydrogen gas. Quasars are highly luminous and emit oppositely oriented streams of gas deep into space at distances of over 1 million light years (Elbaz et al., 2009; Elvis, et al., 1994; McCarthy et al., 1987). These streams of hydrogen gas do not rotate but are stable and appear to target specific regions of space.
![]() M87. Black Hole radiating gas. ![]() ![]()
A single quasar can emit up to a thousand times the energy of all the stars and black holes of the Milky Way. Quasars, therefore, are dynamically active and exceedingly powerful. However, rather than occupying older galaxies, they are located in newly forming galaxies. Quasars in fact stimulate star production (Elbaz et al., 2009) and are fueled by black holes which are simultaneously destroying stars thereby liberating the energy necessary for star production. However, in young galaxies, stars are created at a rate much faster than stars are consumed. For example, a black hole need only consume 10 stars (Elbaz et al., 2009), to provide enough energy to create several hundred stars a year. Quasar HE0450-2958 generates approximately 350 Suns per year, whereas the hole at its center appears to swallow up relatively few (Elbaz et al., 2009). As the number of stars increase, and the galaxy and central black hole grows in size (Kormendy and Bender 2009), the quasar begins to shut down and turn off (Neilsen and Lee 2009). Eventually, presumably, the quasar is consumed by and becomes the central black hole as the hole grows in size.
![]() Therefore, new stars and new galaxies are produced by black hole quasar interactions. As the galaxy and the black hole reaches a specific size the quasar is consumed. However, at this point the black hole is so huge, and the stars of the growing galaxy are so numerous, that the gravity-hole may consume thousands, even millions of stars annually. At this point, the black hole may begin to consume more stars than are produced and may eventually consume all the stars of its galaxy, and then the stars of nearby galaxies (Joseph 2010).
![]() In a fully formed galaxy, tens of millions of stars may swirl about the center, adjacent to the hole, such that millions are easily consumed (Giess, et al., 2010; Melia, 2003; Merloni and Heinz, 2008; Thorne, 1994). However, not all are digested, many are recycled and are flung to the far edges of the galaxy (Kormendy and Bender 2009) such that even the number of stars destroyed by the black hole and thus its size and gravitational influences are highly regulated, thus contributing to galactic stability. Black holes, therefore, regulate the rate at which they grow (Neilsen and Lee 2009) which in turn maintains the stability and size of the galaxy. This leads to two possibilities. 1) As the quasar disappears and the appetite of the black hole grows, it may eventually consume all the stars of the galaxy, which are then recycled as hydrogen, leaving only a vast void in its wake (Joseph 2010). 2). Stars which are flung outside the galaxy, and older stars within the outer rim of the galaxy, may continue to create new stars within nebular produced by supernova and the solar winds of dying stars. Graviton-holes less than a Planck length in size, perform similar matter-producing functions at the subatomic level. They too digest matter/gravity and expel energy which interacts with particles to form hydrogen atoms, and thus molecules, which form larger objects, eventually giving rise to planets, stars, galaxies. 12. Gravity and Eternal Recurrence: Hydrogen Becomes Stars Which Produce Photons Which Produce Hydrogen... The maximum amount of energy which can fit within a Planck length is Planck energy. The Planck scale is an energy scale around 1.22 × 1028 eV, which corresponds, by mass–energy equivalence, to a Planck mass 2.17645 × 10−8 kg. However, because 1 unit of Planck energy within a Planck length will immediately be converted into a black hole, this indicates that the Planck mass is gravity, the graviton particle. At the Planck Length, and when concentrated to the size of a Planck length, the mass-energy equivalence known as E = mc² becomes E = m, such that the Planck energy and mass are essentially identical within the Planck length. The mass (m) is a graviton particle. The energy (E) is a gravity-wave. Gravitons have a particle-wave duality. Therefore, not all energy is liberated from mass which is collapsing into a black hole. The graviton particle maintains its energy, the gravity wave. However, as the graviton-hole emits energy/gravity waves, the amount of gravity waves it contains and which it continues to radiate, correspondingly wanes. Infinitely small black holes (graviton-holes) may shrink to infinite nothingness within a nanosecond as it releases energy/gravity waves which can attract and bind with elementary particles.
![]() Therefore, black holes radiate different types of energy: 1) energy stripped from mass and particles and which is deflected prior to entering the hole, and 2) gravity waves which are radiated from the graviton-hole. Both forms of energy act to bind elementary particles together. However, the graviton may not necessarily disappear into infinite nothingness. Instead, it too contributes to the creation of mass. Along with energy, the gravity wave and the graviton particle becomes the nexus around which elementary particles and a proton comes to be organized--much like a supermassive black hole may be surrounded by a quasar. Considerable dynamic activity occurs with the Plank length, with particles collapsing as they are stripped of their energy, with the deflected energy attracting and binding together elementary particles, and with protons forming around free-agent gravitons whose gravity waves, along with the other 3 forces, hold its constituent elements together, forming a hydrogen atom, the simplest of which is proton H+.
Once created, proton H+ immediately attracts other electrons (as well as other atoms and molecules which contain electrons). Once proton H+ captures an electron, it becomes a hydrogen atom. From there greater structures and compounds can be assembled (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003), such as liquid water, cellulose, microfibrils, polypeptides, DNA, and the stars which shine in the darkness of night. Hydrogen is vital to life and is essential for the creation of stars Hydrogen functions as an energy carrier (Gilli and Gilli, 2009; Rigden, 2003). Hydrogen (with a single proton and electron) is believed to constitute approximately 75% of the observable mass of the universe, and along with helium (the second lightest and simplest element) is the major component of main sequence stars (Clayton, 1984; Hansen et al., 2004). Hydrogen atoms are also produced by super massive black holes as they interact with quasars, which may surround the hole (Dietrich, et al., 2009; Mateo et al., 2005; Vestergaard, 2010). Quasars are also sources of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves, visible light and elementary particles such as electrons, protons, and positrons (Elvis, et al., 1994; Silk 2005; Willott et al., 2007). Initially this liberated energy combines with elementary particles to create proton H+. However, the intergalactic medium, including hydrogen gases surrounding Quasars are ionized (Willott et al., 2007), such that presumably, proton H+ is transformed into a Hydrogen atom via the capture of an electron. That is, the ionization attracts an electron, thereby producing a hydrogen atom. However, with continued ionization, the electron is dissociated from the proton and plasma hydrogen is created, becoming the fuel for the creation of a new star. Therefore, energy liberated and expelled from mass falling into a super massive black hole is recombined to produce hydrogen atoms which are expelled from the quasar as hydrogen gas and which may contain plasma hydrogen which is highly luminous, and which will become a major constituent of a new star. Hydrogen gasses and associated energy are then selectively amplified and directed toward specific regions of space (Elbaz et al., Feain et al., 2007; 2009; Klamer et al. 2004; Silk et al., 2009), which then trigger star formation.
![]() Once the star ignites, the light produced is emitted as photons having a particle-wave duality. An eternally recurring recycling mechanism is the result. Photon particle-waves pass through infinite space, meaning that some aspect of the photon-wave also interacts with those spaces less than a Plank length. Some of the photons come to be captured as they are stripped of energy as they journey through space, such that the particle-wave duality of the photon is split in two, with the photon collapsing into the black hole which would thus swallow the collapsed photon while rejecting and ejecting its energy-wave. Therefore, stars created by the hydrogen atoms created by black holes, in turn provide energy, elementary particles, and gravity to these holes which are converted back into hydrogen atoms. A photon is 19 orders of magnitude larger than a Plank length. Therefore, most photons are initially safe. As they continue their journey to infinity they are gradually whittled away and stripped of energy--otherwise there would be no night and space would be illuminated with brilliant endless light. As a photon is gradually stripped of its energy what remains of the photon may finally be captured. This is because a photon grows smaller as it loses energy. Another way of looking at it is as follows: At the level of a Planck length, the energy of a photon increases, which causes the wavelength of the photon (and thus the photon) to decrease in size, thereby allowing it to collapse and triggering a split in its particle-wave duality, thus making the photon smaller yet in size. When it becomes smaller than a Plank length, the photon is doomed and completely collapses and whatever is left of its energy is expelled into space where it may then act with the other forces to bind together elementary particles, giving rise to hydrogen atoms, and beginning the process all over again; i.e gravity-hole-->energy-->elementary particles-->protons-->electrons-->hydrogen-->stars-->photons-->gravity-hole--> Thus, be it a supermassive black hole, or an infinitely small hole, energy is stripped from matter and mass, and gravity becomes one with the hole. As energy is released, quarks, leptons, and bosons are also liberated and deflected. Energy, however, can become mass, and energy (including gravity waves and the graviton) binds together quarks, leptons, and bosons to form electrons, neutrons, and protons.
![]() ![]() Gravity is one of the fundamental forces through which quarks and leptons interact. Thus where do the liberated (or free agent) quarks and leptons obtain their gravity so as to form new atoms? The answer: the free agent gravitons, i.e. the infinitely small gravity-holes which are continually forming in space time only to instantly disappear. Gravity particles never really disappear. The energy/gravity is used to bind elementary particles to build protons and inside every proton, is a graviton, which supplies it with gravity waves and electromagnetic energy stripped from photons. And this cycle of creation and destruction has been ongoing for all eternity throughout the infinite universe which has no beginning, and, no end.
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