Journal of Cosmology, 2011, Vol. 14. JournalofCosmology.com, 2011 Does This Imply Cosmic Consciousness? Walter J. Christensen Jr. Physics Department, Cal Poly Pomona University, 3801 W. Temple Ave, Pomona CA 91768
KEY WORDS: Consciousness, Cosmology, Quantum Physics, Cosmic Memory
I. Introduction Cosmic consciousness is argued for in this paper. By consciousness we mean: any macroscopic or microscopic system that operates through the use of both memory and choice. Cosmic consciousness means, any cosmological system that requires both memory and choice to operate it. Of course the word 'choice'is a deeply philosophical concept and will be left for future discussions, such as those made by Robert Kane (1996) and his idea of 'ultimate responsibility'. For now, we will simply accept Maxwell's approach of an intelligent, or conscious, creature that attempts to violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics, as now discussed. The validity of the assertion for the existence of cosmic consciousness (sometimes referred to as cosmic intelligence, intelligent creature, or cosmic creature, in this paper), begins with the seminal thought experiment made by the eminent mathematician and physicist James Clerk Maxwell, in a letter to Peter Guthrie Tait (Maxwell 1867). Maxwell envisaged a tiny intelligent being who opens and closes a valve connecting separate chambers; each chamber filled with the same gas under the same conditions. This intelligent creature, referred to as 'Maxwell's demon' in literature (Leff and Rex 2002; Thomson 1897), functions to open a valve to allow the faster gas molecules to flow into one chamber, and slower gas molecules into the other chamber. In effect, the demon creates a temperature difference between the two compartments (It can be shown in classical thermodynamics that the temperature of the gas is strictly dependent on the speed of gas molecules). In this context, intelligent creature is used in the historical sense, as described by Maxwell (1871): "… if we conceive of a creature whose faculties are so sharpened that he can follow every molecule..."And subsequently nicknamed 'intelligent demon'byWilliam Thomson (1874a; 1879): "This process of diffusion could be prevented by an army of Maxwell's 'intelligent demons'… separating the hot from the cold… "
![]() If indeed, such an intelligent demon could perform such a separation task without expending energy (using a frictionless valve, which the creature opens slowly), the result would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Serreli et al 2007). This is so, because such a self-contained system could perpetually perform work without the need for any external energy source. The thought experiment proposed by Maxwell, has provoked a long-line of arguments in the scientific community as to whether or not the Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT) can be violated or not. This ongoing battle has produced an extensive, and impressive list of authors who have introduced their own unique approach (as well as related discussions), and includes, in part: Thomson (1874b; 1879; ), Poincare (1893), Planck (1922), Szilárd (1929a), Lewis (1930), von Neumann (1932); Gamow (1944); Born, M. (1948); Wiener (1950); Bohm (1951), Jacobson (1951), Brillouin (1951), Saha (1958), Feynman (1963), Asimov (1965), Bell (1968), Penrose, O. (1970; 1979), Beauregard and Tribus (1974), Popper (1982), Davies (1986), Bennett (1987), Hawking (1987), Landauer (1987), Rex (1987), Leff (1990), Christensen (1991), and more recently Penrose, R. (2002). In this paper, we argue for the preservation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics by relating entropy with memory, as did Einstein's close friend, Leó Szilárd (1929b). Ever since his publication, his idea of relating entropy to memory has had a life of its own with many writers (information is often exchanged for memory in literature). For example Lewis, G. N. (1930) states: "Gain in entropy always means loss of information, and nothing more. … if any essential data added, the entropy becomes less."Others view the entire universe as a dimensional information structure (Lloyd 2002; Davies 2004a). The approach taken in this paper, rests on three assumptions:
2) Memory and entropy are deeply related aspects of each other, in much the same way that various forms of energy are related and can be converted into one form or the other without loss. 3) Any system converting entropy into memory, or memory into entropy, which also involves choice (such as opening or closing a gate), thus contributes to running the system, we characterizes as having intelligence or consciousness. If such a system is the universe itself, or multiverses, we say cosmic consciousness is involved the operation of the cosmology.
2. Multiverses and Proposed Cosmological Model Is our universe just one among an ensemble of many? Just an infinitesimal part of an elaborate structure, which consists of numerous universes, possibly an infinite number of universes, sometimes referred to as multiverses? Such questions were recently discussed by Rüdiger Vaas (2010). Vaas explains: "… there are many different multiverse accounts (see, e.g., Carr 2007; Davies 2004b; Deutsch 1997; Linde 2008; Mersini-Houghton 2010; Rees 2001; Smolin 1997a; Tegmark 2004, Vaas 2004b, 2005, 2008b, 2010; Vilenkin 2006), and even some attempts to classify them quantitatively (see, e.g., Deutsch 2001 for manyworlds in quantum physics, and Ellis, Kirchner & Stoeger 2004 for physical cosmology). They flourish especially in the context of cosmic inflation (Aguirre 2010; Linde 2005, 2008, Vaas 2008b), string theory (Chalmers 2007, Douglas 2010) and a combination of both, as well as, in different, quantum gravity scenarios, that seek to resolve the big bang singularity and, thus, explain the origin of our universe." With so many possible types of multiverses to choose from, which one can we legitimately select to develop a cosmology that parallels the thought experiment of James Clerk Maxwell and his intelligent demon? The answer is, we must rely on various observations to guide us, and when those are not available, to be guided by sound theoretical models. What is needed then, is, instead of using two chambers, we need a cosmology that incorporates a pair of universes separated by some kind of cosmic gate [for the sake of simplicity, (Occam's razor), a pair of universes is chosen, rather than numerous universes joined by a cosmic gate]. But what kind of gate could not only join two universes together, but be verified by empirical evidence? What is imagined is a black hole dynamically altering spacetime to create a multiverse, and which acts as a doorway between our universe and the newly formed universe There is much empirical evidence to support the existence of black holes and dynamics, in the context of this article: (Rees, 1989; Begleman et al, 1984; Casares, 1992; Remillard, 1992; Reynolds, 2008). The cosmological model proposed thus far, is somewhat similar, yet distinct from, the model proposed by Lee Smolin (Smolin 1992a; Smolin 1997b): where locally, a collapsing black hole causes the emergence of a new universe, via the dynamical properties of the black hole. Our model allows for, as Smolin suggests, alternative universes to which fundamental constants or parameters such as the speed of light, gravitational constant, and so forth, can be different from our own universe. Multiverses are also referred to as Fecund Universes (Smolin 1992b ; Tegmark 2003). At the quantum level, Deutsch (Deutsch 2002) connected information to such multiverses, as we semi-classically do in this paper. Deutsch states: "The structure of the multiverse can be understood by analyzing the ways in which information can flow in it. We may distinguish between quantum and classical information processing. In any region where the latter occurs-which includes not only classical computation but also all measurements and decoherent processes (mechanism by which quantum systems interact with their environments to exhibit probabilistically additive behavior) the multiverse contains an ensemble of causally autonomous systems, each of which resembles a classical physical system." The model also resembles string-theory (Susskind 2006) multiple-dimension arguments for why gravity is so weak, that is, it is leaking from one dimension into another (Horava and Witten 1996; Maartens and Koyama 2010); although CMS Collaboration is reporting results on microscopic black holes that makes this scenario less likely (CMS Collaboration 2010 ). However, the model proposed here has its distinctions; mainly that it places the Second Law of Thermodynamics as the 'prime mover,'by providing revitalized energy and matter back into our universe, as will be soon discussed. To be clear, the cosmological model proposed in this article, has nothing to do with the "Big Crunch"scenario, in which the expansion of space eventually reverses and the universe collapses, eventually ending as a black hole singularity. Nor, do multiverses forming in various regions when space-time stops expanding, in so doing, form bubbles found in chaotic inflation theory proposed by Alan Guth (2007). So just how does our universe work in tandem with the multiverse formed by a black hole? To begin with, it is assumed that massive particles trapped within the black hole are reduced to a common fundamental particle; each one being of equal size, spin and mass (Joseph 2010). When this occurs, identical particles pass through the black hole into the multiverse.
![]() Because these particles are identical, with identical spins, gravity waves will cause the particles to repel each other (Penrose, R. 1960; Stacey, et al 1987; Economou, 1992; Gasperini 1998). What happens then? As they accelerate away from each other in all directions, they near the speed of light. When this occurs, it is assumed, following Maxwell's thought experiment, that a cosmic creature opens a gate leading to small pathways joining the two universes. Such gates are referred to as a string gates (See Figure 3).
![]() As for massless particles (for example photons), they too pass into the multiverse via the black hole and continue moving at the speed of light c. Again the cosmic creature opens a string gate leading back into our universe. Overall, we have matter and energy leaving our universe, entering a multiverse via a black hole, then returning, via a string-gate (Stefano Ansoldi, Antonio Aurilia and Euro Spallucci, 2002), back into our universe. In effect, this process reseeds our universe with new energy and fast moving particles. Such a cosmology is reminiscent of a publication by Rhawn Joseph (2010). In his article he states: "The infinite, eternal universe continually recycles energy and mass at both the subatomic and macro-atomic level, thereby destroying and then reassembling atoms, molecules, stars, planets and galaxies. Mass, molecules, atoms, protons, electrons, and elementary particles are continually created and destroyed, and matter and energy, including hydrogen atoms, are continually recycled and recreated by super massive black holes and quasars at the center of galaxies, and via infinitely small gravity holes also known as "black holes", "Planck Particles", "Graviton Particles", and "Graviton-holes. ...Passageways may exist within these infinitely small spaces, which may lead to other dimensions (Appelquist and Chodos 1983; Aharony, et al., 2000; Greene 2003; Keeton and Petters 2005; Randall and Sundrum 1999) and thus to "other worlds" or another space-time (Hawking, 1988). A singularity may exist on both sides of a hole in space-time, simultaneously, thereby creating duality from singularity. An infinite number of holes would yield an infinite number of possibilities and would enable a singularity to have not just duality, but multiplicity via multiple dimensions existing on the other side of an infinity of holes." However, 'Joseph cosmology' violates SLT because it creates a perpetual machine, and should viewed as an incomplete model. Whereas the cosmology presented in this paper, which also is a perpetual machine, preserves SLT by having:
2) Memory and entropy be different aspects of each other, suggested by Szilárd (1929c). With these two points taken together (that an intelligent creature appears to create a perpetual machine-like-universe that violates SLT, but upon further consideration, the information gained by the creature restores SLT), the cosmology argued for in this article preserves SLT, and so meets the assumptive criteria to be considered a valid cosmology. 3. Cosmic Creature By what mechanism does this cosmic creature observe massive and massless particles moving near or at the speed of light respectively? The mechanism is somewhat similar to what occurs when particles collide and scatter off of each other, as described by the Standard Model (Glashow 1961; Weinberg 1967). In particle physics, during a collision, virtual particles are emitted. These virtual particles can mediate force and transfer momentum to other particles (Eisberg and Resnick, 1985; O'Reilly, 2002), causing the colliding particles to alter their trajectory (Guralnik 1964). The mechanism is also similar to when a Goldstone boson (Goldstone 1961) is absorbed by bosons making them become massive. Likewise, for the cosmological model presented here, we assume is that virtual particles are emitted by the accelerating massive particles traversing the multiverse. When a massive particle has a speed much less than that of light, its de Broglie wavelength will be longer, to that of a particle accelerating close to the speed of light, consequently the mediating virtual particle will also have a longer wavelength. This characterizes the massive particle and informs the cosmic creature to either choose to keep the string-gate open or closed. If the particle has a wavelength associated with moving at the speed of light, the cosmic creature opens the string gate --that is the creature absorbs the virtual particle and opens the string-gate so that the string absorbs the massive particle; in so doing the massive fundament particle passes from the multiverse, back into our universe (Joseph 2010; Gubser, 1997) (See Figure 3). As for any massless particles entering the multiverse via the black hole, they too return to our universe, via cosmic string-gate. Thus our universes and the multiverse creates a kind of perpetual machine, but one that does not violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics because the decrease in entropy is balanced by the increase of memory, just as Leo Szilárd (1929d) did, in his thought experiment, where he considered particles having different chemical parameters inside a box with functioning pistons. Szilárd writes (1929e): "A perpetual motion machine therefore is possible if— according to the general method of physics— we view the experimenting man as a sort of deus ex machina, one who is continuously and exactly informed of the existing state of nature and who is able to start, or interrupt, the microscopic course of nature at any moment without expenditure of work." Instead of an experimenting deus ex machina, we propose both memory and choice compensates for the decrease of entropy in the proposed cosmological model, hence cosmological consciousness allows for perpetual operating universes thereby preserving the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Leo Szilárd further writes: "We shall realize that the Second Law is not threatened as much by this entropy decrease as one would think, as soon as we see that the entropy decrease resulting from the intervention is compensated completely in any event, if the execution of such a measurement were, for instance, always accompanied by production of k ln2 units of entropy. In that case it will be possible to find a more general entropy law, which applies universally to all measurements." In regards to this paper, it is assumed since the task of opening the string gate involves selection, and that the reduction of entropy is compensated for by the intelligent creature gaining a equivalent amount of entropy (k ln2), no violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics occurs. This the minimal condition necessary to claim, in such coupled universes, the existence of cosmological consciousness exists. In particular, we see the production of k ln2 units of entropy (equivalent to conscious memory and selection) are required to compensate for the perpetual workings, of the proposed cosmological universe, if and only if the Second Law of Thermodynamics is to be preserved. Stated another way, over time, all matter in our gravitationally attractive universe must [according to various cosmological scenarios, such as the heat death of the universe first proposed by Lord Kelvin (Crosbie et al 1989)] eventually die out because of maximum entropy increase. However the view here is that of a cosmological consciousness that gains information so that our universe can be reseeded energetic matter and revitalized energy. 4. Other Considerations Before going any further we must consider Brillouin's argument. Basically he argues that such an intelligent being opening the valve to let in fast gas molecules, needs light in order to see the fast gas molecules (Brillouin 1951). Brillouin states: "In an enclosure at constant temperature, the radiation is that of a "blackbody", and the demon cannot see the molecules. Hence, he cannot operate the trap door and is unable to violate the second principle (law). If we introduce a light source, the demon can see the molecules, but the over-all balance of entropy is positive." However, the thought experiment proposed in this paper, the system of coupled universes is not in thermal equilibrium and the intelligent creature cannot "see"via radiation. Instead the creature absorbs a virtual particle as previously discussed, which provides k ln2 information related to positive entropy, which is necessary to balance the decrease the entropy of the system when energetic particles are permitted to pass from the multiverse back into our universe. Thus no photons are required to detect fast moving elementary particles, only virtual particles. Let us consider more closely the characteristics of the virtual particle under discussion. First of all, we realize that since all particulate matter is discrete, it is countable; that is there is a one-to-one correspondence between the natural numbers N, to the individual particles in the multiverse. Whether there are ten particles, ten billion, or even an arbitrarily large number of such particles residing in the multiverses, they are nevertheless countable. Secondly, if we assume the virtual particles are in one-to-one correspondence with the set of real numbers R, rather than the restricted set of natural numbers N, then the intelligent creature will never run out of information to keep the perpetual cosmic machine running. To understand this, consider the closed interval between the numbers one and two [1, 2]. In this interval there exactly two natural counting numbers, i.e. number one and two. Whereas in the same interval there is uncountable real numbers such as the square root of two and π/2. What this implies is that, even though the set of natural numbers {N} is infinite, the set of real numbers {R} is a larger infinite set that cannot be counted. Hence in set notation: {N} < {R}. By assuming the virtual particles are associated with the set of real numbers R, they are uncountable. Consequently, even if the same particle cycles through our universe, into the multiverse and back to our universe an infinite amount of times, and each time the intelligent creature selects to absorb one of these virtual particles associated with the recycled countable particles, there will still be an uncountable many virtual particles left over to operate our universe with new energy; that is the cyclic process goes on forever, and the paired universes form a perpetual machine powered on memory and selection by a cosmic creature. Furthermore, if the cosmological model presented actually existed, then we are led to the conclusion that, either the Second Law of Thermodynamics is deeply flawed (or very limited domain), which contradicts all empirical observations, or indeed our universe powered by cosmological consciousness. 5. Conclusion Though the cosmological model presented here was developed in part from a thought experiment argued by James Clerk Maxwell, and that the cosmology presented was purely hypothetical, should our current understanding of the universe prove to be incorrect, for example no big bang occurred, the question arises what powers a forever and infinite universe? Or put another way, if the universe has been here forever, why has not all the useable energy been consumed long ago? Such a scenario was first considered by William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), who argued mechanical energy loss in nature from the point of view of the 1st and 2nd Laws of thermodynamics. One solution might be the universe, coupled to a multiverse via a black hole, is powered by cosmological consciousness--an intelligent creature must make a choice to separate fast moving particles from slow moving particles. That is, these coupled universes form a perpetual machine. It is memory and choice that preserves the Second Law of Thermodynamics and make valid the proposed cosmological model. Both selection and memory imply cosmic awareness. In conclusion, since it has been well established by empirical observation, that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is not observed to be violated, we argued, using a cosmological model relating memory, choice, entropy, that coupled universes are necessarily conscious.
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![]() Sir Roger Penrose & Stuart Hameroff |
![]() Explaining the Origins of Life |