Journal of Cosmology, November 1, 2009, Book Review
Fourth Planet from the Sunstar: Earth's Alter Ego" by Conrad Alan Istock. Ph.D. 2007 Athena Press, London.
Reviewed by SABASA is a fiction story about an alien civilization that has sent a message to earth relating their long history and their efforts for survival. The message is detected with the International ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) radio telescope located at high altitude in the Atacama desert in Chile. Scientists at this international telescope one day detect the signal from space that they recognize as a genuine signal sent by intelligent beings. They all get very excited and begin to read the long message. This astounding event is recognized as the first contact with aliens from another planet circling another star a few light years away from the sun.
One day we may indeed be contacted by aliens from another planet and this would be an enormous event that may drastically change the future of mankind. The author of the fictional book ‘Sabasa’ says little about the impact of the announcement of the first contact with extraterrestrials to the general public and the world governments. No public panic is indicated from such an announcement nor a demand from the CIA to keep the information secret! Some proclaim that all this is a manufactured hoax. However, in this story, the scientists working at ALMA take this seriously, particularly Walter, a senior scientist. It is quickly realized that the aliens must be much more advanced in their evolution and technology since they have been able to detect our radio transmissions that our TV programs broadcast widely and the signals also propagate into space with the speed of light, and sensitive receivers can detect and decode them. Thus the aliens seem to know all about our recent history and troubles on earth. The aliens occupy a planet around a nearby old star, Barnard. Their star has reached the stage when nuclear reactions in its core are ending and the stellar core will soon collapse and the outer layers will expand outwards and consume the alien's planet. Thus this old civilization has found a nearby younger star with hospitable planets and they are on the way for mass immigration to their new home on a planet around Alpha Centauri. The message sent to earth by the aliens relates the time history of their civilization and particularly the difficult times they had with massive, almost catastrophic, wars and their subsequent survival by creating a sustainable peaceful and controlled environment. Curiously their message does not talk on anything to do about the degree of knowledge in physics, such as if they have discovered 'a theory of everything', or if they have achieved biological longevity or even immortality. However, their message talks about religions on their planet that after the formidable wars religions slowly faded away and were replaced with sustainability and a love of the cosmos. This book is a provocative fiction and speculates about earth's miserable future. A clever way to warn the earth about the future survival of our civilization. The late Carl Sagan would have loved this story, who is the author of another similar science fiction story 'Contact' that was also made into a movie. In addition, the aliens send more messages that in part scold the USA for trying to develop military domination around the world and predict the fall of America similar to the decline of the Roman Empire. They preach the development of sustainability to secure our happy future and avoid future catastrophic wars. This experience makes Walter leave his astronomy job at the ALMA Observatory and go to Washington DC to try and convert the politicians to take action to save the earth, to stop all wars and form a world government. Walter finds out that Congress is not interested and dismiss the ideas of forming a utopia. Walter gets very upset and falls into a deep depression and finally commits suicide. This fiction story uses the imagination of advanced life on other planets to teach the earth to take note and try to avoid future catastrophes. ‘Sabasa’ is thought provoking, imaginative and attempts to be educational.
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