Volume 20
The term astro-theology comes from an early 18th century book, Astro-Theology: or,
A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a Survey of the Heavens (1715)
by William Derham (born 1657, died 1735).
September 2012 issue of Journal of Cosmology, Volume 20
Editors: Rudy E. Schild and Carl H. Gibson
Guest Editors Volumes 19 and 20: Theodore Walker, Jr. and Joseph A. Bracken
Guest Editorial Comment: Theodore Walker, Jr.
Guest Editor Festschrift, Seeking Common Ground, Joseph A. Bracken
Bracken, Joseph A., An Unscientific Postscript to "Whiteheadian Actual Entities and String Theory" , pp 8635-8644.
Ford, Lewis S., A Process Cosmology , pp 8645-8647.
Keller, Catherine, The Entangled Cosmos: an experiment in physical theopoetics, pp 8648-8666. catherinekeller22@gmail.com
Mesle, C. Robert, Quantum Indeterminacy and the Case for Freedom in Nature, pp 8667-8677.
Vannini, Antonella and Ulisse Di Corpo, Syntropy, Teleology and Theology, pp 8678-8688.
Cocke, W. J., Probability Methods and Multiple Conscious Lifetimes, pp 8802-8820.
Kazmer Ujvarosy The Seed Origin of the Universe. 15 Pages.
Walker, Jr., Theodore. Astrotheology and Cosmotheology - Bridging
the Chasm between Science and Theology,pp 8765-8809
Forrington, J. H. (Cass). Time Dilation Cosmology 4:
Life and the Origin of the Spacetime/Quantum Continuum
,pp 8815-8848
Athearn, Daniel. The Limits of Materialism: Auspicious for Teleological Explanation?, pp 8689-8696.
Kragh, Helge. Scientific Cosmology and Theology: Two Separate Worlds, pp 8697-8701. helge.kragh@ivs.au.dk
McHenry, Leemon. Whitehead’s Multiverse, pp 8702-8706. leemon.mchenry@csun.edu]
O’Meara, Thomas. Extraterrestrials and Religious Questions, pp 8707-8714.
Persinger, Michael A., Ryan C. Burke, and Trevor N. Carniello. Quantitative Convergence of
Concepts in Physical Cosmology and Theology, pp 8715-8724.
Rescher, Nicholas. Ultimate Explanation , pp 8725-8729.
Walker, Jr., Theodore. Invitation to comment on theology in cosmology, especially astro-theology
the Journal of Cosmology (sent 15 August 2012), pp 8730-8732.
Walker, Jr., Theodore.
Whiteheadian Comments on Forrington's Time Dilation Cosmology, pp 8850-8852.
Walker, Jr., Theodore. Review of Carl Sagan's Gifford Lectures, edited by Ann Druyan , pp 8733-8745.
Excerpts from Astro-Theology: or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from a Survey of
the Heavens (1715) by William Derham (born 1657, died 1735) , pp 8746-8749.
J. L. Synge on WHITEHEAD’S PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY, A. John Colman, Editor, 2005 arXiv 050502v2, pp 8750-8801.
David Ray Griffin and Donald W. Sherburne, Editors, PART V FINAL INTERPRETATION in: Process and Reality: An Essay
in Cosmology By Alfred North Whitehead Corrected Edition (Wikipedia), pp 8750-8764.